The Female Pine Grosbeak

The Female Pine Grosbeak

The Female Pine Grosbeak, I had just a couple more photos showing a little bit more of the female Pine Grosbeak, just as beautiful as the male, showing her golden crown and soft gray body.

Males are normally more colorful in the bird world. But I think the females have a softer beauty that makes them shine.

The Female Pine Grosbeak

So, as of this year I have photographed 3 of the 7 kinds of Grosbeaks.

Below is the Evening Grosbeak Male.

evening grosbeak

Female Evening Grosbeak

male and female grosbeak

And the Rose Breasted Grosbeak

rose breasted grosbeak

The other 4 Grosbeaks are;

  • Crimson Grosbeak – Found mostly in Mexico
  • Blue Grosbeak – Found in most area of the States
  • The Black Headed Grosbeak – Found mostly out west, Canada & Mexico
  • Yellow Grosbeak – Also found in Mexico

The 4 photos above, I just took off the internet, but someday I may take a photo of them myself. That is the fun part of Bird Photography, one just never knows what we will see when we stop to enjoy nature.

by Sandra J

34 Replies to “The Female Pine Grosbeak”

  1. They are beautiful, so colorful Sandra! I like the female’s plumage colors as well. So often, as you know, the female’s colors are drab, even though, like in the case of Cardinals, they are still beautiful with that crest and olive color. I hope they stay around your bird feeder for a long time – how lucky you are they are not just passing through.

      1. That is good news – they’ll be regulars for the balance of the Winter until they can forage again (and then maybe they will still stay there as you regularly feed them and the ambiance is nice. 🙂

  2. I always love your pictures but some times my imagination gets the better of me. Look at the male Evening Grosbeak photo, He looks like got a smoke hanging out of the side of his beak and he’s mad about something. It probably has something to do with the females on the branch in the next shot.

    Laugh Loud and Proud

    1. Lol, I had to go look at that photo again and then laughed. It looks just like what you said. Good one Mr. Ohh, he is wondering what the girls are chattering about. 😊

    1. Thank you Mary, yes, one just never knows what is going to show up on our travels. I love that about watching birds. 🙂

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