The Eye of a Cat

The Eye of a Cat

The Eye of a Cat, this is my cat. Kit Kit is her name. I sit at my dinning room table to do all my computer work and this table is right by a nice large window. I like to watch the birds outdoors as I am doing my work.

The Eye of a Cat

My cat loves to sit right next to my computer, sometimes looking out the window and if it is a little cooler in the house. She likes to curl up on the transformer box that I use to charge the computer. It is like her own little warming station.

Anyway, on this day she was looking out the window and I was looking at her eyes. An amazing thing to see up close, a cats eye. So I had to take a few photos close up. I had my phone camera right next to her face and she just sat there perfectly still. Liking the attention.

The Eye of a Cat

The Eye of a Cat

Sandra Jโ€™s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra Jโ€™s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

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27 Replies to “The Eye of a Cat”

  1. Sincerely, please pardon the pun, but Sandra, your artistry is always an eye-opener. I’m immersed in the black bear and equine habitats, and I adore my grandkitty, yet I always learn and gasp at your photos for what they transmit about the furry world. Thank you for sharing. ๐Ÿ™‚ Lisa

    1. Thank you very much Lisa, such a wonderful comment, I do appreciate that. Horses are my most favorite to photograph, but I am amazed and in awe of all animals, the closer we look the more we see and understand them. Black bears included, I see them here about once a year in my yard.

  2. ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ๐Ÿ˜


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