Tag: vibrant colors

Nature Speaks to Us

Nature Speaks to Us

Nature Speaks to Us, I spend a lot of time outdoors, sometimes just listening to the sounds of creation around me. Now I have a lot of ringing in my ears, sometimes it is really bad, but it is always there. It never really goes away. When I am outside, I get distracted very easy. I begin to notice everything from the leaves rustling in the trees, the butterflies going from flower to flower.

monarch butterfly

The sights and sounds of nature, begins to replace the ringing in my ears. For a few moments in time I can tune out the constant noise in my ears and I can feel the calmness that nature provides. I can see and hear a beautiful symphony of soft spoken words, from the sounds of birds singing and seeing the beautiful colors of the butterflies as they go by.

When I focus on all of these things, it pushes the noise away.

Nature Speaks to Us

It reminds me of this song;

I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind.
It’s gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day

Nature Speaks to Us
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Sandra J's Photography

Nature Speaks to Us

by Sandra J

Vibrant and Subtle Colors Today

Vibrant and Subtle Colors Today

Vibrant and Subtle Colors Today, a wonderful mixture of colors on this beautiful October morning. From vibrant reds of this flower in the park.

Vibrant and Subtle Colors Today

To soft changes of the coloring of the leaves lining the banks of the river.

Vibrant and Subtle Colors Today

To Mr. Duck finally getting his feathers back in order after molting, they looked pretty shabby the last couple weeks as they waited for their new feathers to grow.

And last but never least, the red, orange and yellow leaves of Autumn

Vibrant and Subtle Colors Today

by Sandra J