Tag: sunset

Sunsets Are Coming Back

Sunsets Are Coming Back

Sunsets Are Coming Back, the smoke has been clearing in the sky around my area so the sunset are becoming colorful again. I love a sunset when there are some clouds along with. Gives it a little more texture and depth.

I mentioned awhile ago about my brother out in Montana next to the fire called, Yaak Fire. He said it is down to a smolder, but still burning and creeping across the land. So they have not been given the all clear yet, I hope they get more rain and it goes out completely.

Sunsets Are Coming Back

On this particular night, I walked down to the pond, knowing there would be a reflection in the water of the clouds all lit up as the sun dropped below the horizon.

Sunsets Are Coming Back
Sunsets Are Coming Back
sunset and hummingbird

Sunsets Are Coming Back

by Sandra J