Tag: sting rays

Life by the Sea

Life by the Sea

Life by the Sea, there is just so much to see. 🙂

Well, I did collect a few shells this time on the beaches and cleaned them and put them in a nice glass jar so I could see them any time. I had to look up information on how shells are even formed. Fascinating information, they are created by something called mollusks.

As mollusks live their daily lives in the sea, they take in salts and chemicals from the water around them. As they process these materials, they secrete calcium carbonate, which hardens on the outside of their bodies and begins to form a hard outer shell.

Life by the Sea

The drone happened to catch these big boys swimming around not far from the beach. Another amazing creature of the sea. These are called Cownose Sting Rays

This is what they look like from underneath, I just got this image off of the internet. They look like they are smiling.

Of course I have to put in a photo of my favorite bird down here, just because they are everywhere and so unique looking in their own rights.

Life by the Sea

by Sandra J