Tag: quiet solitude of the country

Memories of the Farm

Memories of the Farm

Memories of the Farm, We went for a drive the other day. The sun was out and the chickadees were singing on this beautiful February Morning. I grew up on a farm and raised horses for many years. One of the things I like to see in the country is the old red barns.

We came across this one covered in snow. I can just picture, back in the day when this old barn was new. Painted a beautiful red, oh how it must have stood out when the snow blanketed the roof top.

Memories of the Farm

I had a barn just like this one. The same shape and red, mine faced the sun just as this one is. I used to open up the big hay loft door that you see in this photo above the ground, I would open it up on a sunny day in winter and sit on the edge and enjoy the warmth of the sun caressing my skin.

These are the days I remember the most, living the simple life, enjoying the little things. I still enjoy doing the same thing, except now I sit on my porch, still facing the sun and just listening to the sounds of nature.

Memories of the Farm

Living each day in the moment, for our days go by so fast. My photos remind me of wonderful days gone by and also remind me that the best moments in life are now, for tomorrow we do not know.

by Sandra J