Tag: navy

LCS 26 Mobile Alabama

LCS 26 Mobile Alabama

LCS 26 Mobile Alabama, The Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) is a fast, agile, mission-focused platform designed to operate in near-shore environments, winning against 21st-century coastal threats. The LCS is capable of supporting forward presence, maritime security, sea control, and deterrence.

We drove down to the bay area in Mobile and found a spot right across from where they were building these massive ships for the Navy. Again continuing with my theme of engineering marvels this week.

LCS 26 Mobile Alabama
LCS 26 Mobile Alabama

They were actually building two of these ships when we were there.

LCS 26 Mobile Alabama

This ship in the photo below was being built also, but I have no idea what it is. Can’t even imagine how they build something with so much technology. I have enough issues with my computer sometimes.

In the Navy
In the Navy

LCS 26 Mobile Alabama

by Sandra J