Tag: lakes and ponds

Small Wildlife Around the Water

Small Wildlife Around the Water

Small Wildlife Around the Water, these tiny little creatures are called Damselfly, such a strange name. They are not a dragonfly. I did not realize until today that they are two different species. These are so tiny, very hard to photograph also. But Damselfly eyes are separate, there is a space between their eyes and a Dragonfly has eyes that are almost connected, looks like one giant eye on their heads.

Small Wildlife Around the Water


dragon flies

I have not seen any monarch butterflies this year. But this one here was hanging around my porch. Its wings look a bit torn up, probably from the long flight to get up here. But it was flying around just fine all day. It was taking a rest on my porch chair.

Small Wildlife Around the Water

It had two tones of color, under the wings it was a brown tone and on top of the wings it was black and white.

Small Wildlife Around the Water

So I will leave you with a photo of one of my favorite lakes, hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Small Wildlife Around the Water

by Sandra J