Tag: green frogs

The Northern Green Frog

The Northern Green Frog

The Northern Green Frog, well the frog season is about over. The tadpoles have grown up and are marching across the ground as I write this. They are everywhere, this first picture was taken after the thousands of eggs hatched. Each green frog lays about 3000 to 5000 eggs each. It looks like a black cloud swimming in the pond every spring. You can see my video I made here; Amphibians at My Pond

The Northern Green Frog

The first frogs that come up out of hibernation are the Spring Peepers, which I do not have a photo of yet, and now all I see are these green frogs, that circle behind the eye is technically their ears. They feel vibrations, these frogs are the ones that sound like one string on a banjo playing.

The Northern Green Frog

This is mom or dad, who appears to be watching over all the kids in the pool. Believe me when the tadpoles are this small, the frogs seem to be staring at me when I get to close.

The Northern Green Frog

The Northern Green Frog

by Sandra J