Tag: creation

The Cheerful Flower

The Cheerful Flower

The Cheerful Flower – Sunflowers grow large, tall, and cheerful flower heads that brighten and animate your yard—and though you most commonly see these aptly-named beauties in sunny yellow, the annuals can be red or orange, too. There are so many good reasons to grow them, beyond the fact that they make you happy: They’re easy to cultivate, attract beneficial pollinators like butterflies and native bees, and draw beautiful songbirds (many species love these blooms!)

Including deer, they love eating them when they are young plants. But I was able to keep them away from a couple of my sunflowers so I could see them bloom and provide seeds for the birds this year.

The Cheerful Flower

Short video below of my tallest sunflower, over 10 ft. this one. Like the sun looking right at you. Click here, Sunflower

New Day Dawn's #shorts

Have a great weekend. 🙂

The Cheerful Flower

Have a great weekend.

The Cheerful Flower

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

Flower Garden

Flower Garden

Flower Garden – Well I planted lots of flowers two months ago and they are in full bloom. So many wonderful colors and I am happy to say the hummingbirds are still here. They appear to be having a blast going to all the flowers and chasing each other.

I have two flower gardens that way the hummingbirds have plenty of room to check out all the flowers.

Flower Garden Finally Blooming
Flower Garden Finally Blooming
Flower Garden Finally Blooming

Flower Garden Finally Blooming

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts



Marigolds –  marigolds symbolize purity, auspiciousness, and the divine. Their strong fragrance is believed to ward off negativity and evil spirits. Plus they are said to ward off mosquitos.

The vibrant colors of marigolds also represent the sun’s energy, signifying warmth, passion, and creativity.

I planted a lot of marigolds this year to test out the theory of keeping mosquitos away. But by the time they bloomed the mosquitos were already gone. So I can not testify that this theory is correct until next year. 🙂


This one is not a marigold, I just added it because of the color scheme and background.



Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

He Needs a Bigger Condo

He Needs a Bigger Condo

He Needs a Bigger Condo, a heron likes to perch up high just like a cat. This one was watching us fish down below. It is a purple martin house and that isn’t a real one laying at the feet of the heron. It is a fake purple martin to attract the real ones. Short video of the heron below or click this link; Heron on a Bird House

I have a fake one on my purple martin house, but I have never seen a purple martin up there yet. It is the end of June and here is wishing everyone a wonderful month of July.

The warm summer days are ahead of us, they remind of being a youngster, enjoying the fresh green grass between your toes, the warm breezes brushing up against your skin. Just love it.

Have a great weekend.

He Needs a Bigger Condo
How to Be Brave on top of the World. #shorts
He Needs a Bigger Condo
He Needs a Bigger Condo

Have a wonderful weekend. 🙂

He Needs a Bigger Condo

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

Unusual Critters

Unusual Critters

Unusual Critters I have seen this week. I was walking across a board walk early in the morning when this snail was slowly making its way across the path. What a strange little creature this is and such a long journey it must be for them when they move. Being it is at such a snails pace. 🙂

Unusual Critters

The next morning I went out onto the beach when it was still very dark outside. I had my flashlight with and in front of me I could see things moving very fast in the shadows of the soft light. One such creature stopped when my light shined on it. So I took a quick photo of this crab, another strange looking creature of the seas. Creation never ceases to amaze.

Unusual Critters

Unusual Critters

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

The Sun

The Sun

The Sun

It radiates light and heat, which makes it possible for life to exist on Earth. Plants need sunlight to grow. Animals, including humans, need plants for food and the oxygen they produce. Without heat from the sun, Earth would freeze. A true metaphor to life. 🙂

The Sun
The Sun

The Sun

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

The Magnificent Great Blue

The Magnificent Great Blue

The Magnificent Great Blue Heron, The great blue heron grows to 4 feet tall with a 6 to 7 foot wingspan. Despite its large size, its hollow bones allow it to weigh only 5 to 6 pounds.

You wouldn’t think this small bird would have wings this beautiful. They always take my breath away, especially when you hear them fly by.

The Magnificent Great Blue

The Magnificent Great Blue
The Magnificent Great Blue

Have a wonderful weekend.

The Magnificent Great Blue

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

You Find it in the Sand

You Find it in the Sand

You Find it in the Sand, Legend of the Sand Dollar

Sand dollars are actually burrowing sea urchins. When they wash up on the beach and are bleached by the sun, they look like a large silver coin, hence the moniker.

legend about these creatures says they represent the story of Christ:

You Find it in the Sand

On the top of the shell is a symbol that looks like a star, a reminder of the Star of Bethlehem that led wise men to the Christ Child. Around the star is an outline of an Easter lily, a reminder of the Lord’s resurrection.

You Find it in the Sand

There are five holes in a sand dollar – four around the ends of the star and one in the center. According to the religious legend, the four holes represent the four wounds of Christ when his hands and feet were nailed to the cross. The center hole represents the wound made from a soldier’s spear.

When you turn over the sand dollar, you see the outline of a poinsettia, the Christmas flower. And if you break open a sand dollar, five dove-shaped pieces emerge. Doves are often used in art and literature as a symbol of peace and goodwill.

Now you know the legend of the sand dollar, a story of hope and peace. See if you can find one on your next visit to Alabama beaches.

You Find it in the Sand

You Find it in the Sand

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

Look At the Colors

Look At the Colors

Look At the Colors, I have a bird feeder outside the RV window at most parks when I can and yesterday I looked out the window as the sun was shinning right on this bird. The colors are amazing, without the sunlight this bird looks like a regular black bird.

It is called the common grackle. They have an iridescent bluish head and bronzy body in good light.

Look At the Colors

The Blue Jay has its turn at the feeder along with the grackles.

Look At the Colors

Have a Great Weekend.

Look At the Colors

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

Hidden in the Forest

Hidden in the Forest

Hidden in the Forest of trees is where you will find the secret life of the spiders. Not to be seen in the bright of the day, but in the early morning light with a touch of dew all around. Their cobwebs are shinning like a beautiful tapestry of art work that catches anything that tries to pass by.

Hidden in the Forest
Hidden in the Forest

Hidden in the Forest

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

The Day We Left Nature Behind

The Day We Left Nature Behind

The Day We Left Nature Behind, I came across an interesting discussion the other day that speaks of the indoor generation. How times have changed.

The indoor generation; a generations that spends 90% of its life indoors. It started the day nature was left behind.

We filled our homes with all the stuff we wanted, they become places we don’t want to leave.

Artificial light replaced daylight. Homes are built so tight nothing can escape.

We closed ourselves in to the point nothing can get out.

The Day We Left Nature Behind

The air turned bad and we use chemicals to try and stop the bad stuff.

We do all this to make the darkness bearable.

The Day We Left Nature Behind

Let there be Light

The Day We Left Nature Behind

The Day We Left Nature Behind

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

Sandra J

Pet Portraits

Pet Portraits

Pet Portraits, I have been busy making pet portraits for the folks that are camping near us and thought I would share a couple of them.

These are photos that folks have taken with their phones and text them to me. I then edit the photos and use several techniques to turn them into paintings. Now there was a few photos people sent to me that I just could not fix. Those photos that are way out of focus don’t work to well. But for the most part I can work with a lot of them.

Pet Portraits
Pet Portraits

This cat below is our cat. What a difference it makes in a photo depending on if the cats eyes are dilated or not.

Check out the link below if you would like me to make a portrait of your pet. It is simple as sending me a photo from your phone and I will do my best to make a painting for you. 🙂

Pet Portraits

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

Kootenai Campground Montana

Kootenai Campground Montana

Kootenai Campground Montana, we were in Montana last June. This is basically the end of our trip from last winter. My brother and his wife live here and we stayed at this campground while we were visiting.

I actually did not take a lot of photos while visiting because we spent a lot of time just hanging out together and catching up on old times. We did go sight seeing, but sometimes spending time with family is more important then taking photos for me.

Kootenai Campground Montana

Yesterday a reader commented on the eagle photo. Mentioning that the bird in this photo below looks like an osprey instead of an eagle. So I thought I would share today a photo of each bird to show the differences between these magnificent birds.

I cropped the photo so we could have a closer look. From a distance the two birds can look similar and hard to identify for sure. But, the 3 things I look for are the color of the feet, the size of the beak and then the body size.

The osprey beak is much smaller and thinner, plus the osprey has a definite color difference with the one stipe that leads away from the eyes.

With body size, even a young eagle is quite a bit larger than an adult osprey.

Both birds are beautiful and majestic in their own ways. A sight to see in nature for sure.

I did find a few small flowers blooming here and there. I tell you, I am ready to see more flowers now. Spring time is always so uplifting as the grass starts to grow and the colorful flowers replace all the brown of the long winter months.

Kootenai Campground Montana

Kootenai Campground Montana

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

Draft Horse in Harness

Draft Horse in Harness

Draft Horse in Harness, we were at a small town parade the other day. My favorite part is always the horses. I took a photo of this beautiful team of Belgian horses pulling a wagon and made a couple of paintings. Horses, dogs and cats make for great digital paintings.

Draft Horse in Harness

I had posted the paintings on one of the social media sites and had a couple of inquiries asking if I do commission work. Well, I looked at my husband and said, ” What a great idea”. So I started a new web page where I can paint other folks photos. I do enjoy it and find it quite fun to make them.

If you are interested, you can visit my web site; Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts , I am still working on adding photos to that site. It is always a work in progress creating a web page.

Draft Horse in Harness

This photo below has a special meaning for me. We were camped next to a home and in their yard they had this beautiful older dog, shown below in this print, who enjoyed laying out in the sunshine. So I took the pups photo one day and made a painting of it. I was able to send the photo to the owners to their phone. Just to share it with them.

The other day, their neighbor contacted me and told me this dog had just passed away. I am happy that I made this print and was able to share it with them when I did.

Draft Horse in Harness

Sandra J

Just a Drop of Water

Just a Drop of Water

Just a Drop of Water, to quench ones thirst for what our hearts search for.

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb

Just a Drop of Water
Just a Drop of Water

Just a Drop of Water

Sandra J

Plymouth Washington

Plymouth Washington

Plymouth Washington, another fun place we found to camp at right along the Columbia river bordering Washington and Oregon. We stopped for gas just before the park back in May as you can see the sign says $4.65 for regular. Our cat and smaller dog always jump up into the window when we stop so they can look around and sit in the sun when it is cold outside.

Plymouth Washington

We looked on the map and saw that there is a lock and dam on this river called the McNary Lock and Dam. This dam is built on the Columbia river which is full of Pacific Salmon.

So we noticed there is a bike path going all the way to the dam, so we headed that way. We came across this giant tunnel that you have to ride through to get to the dam. It looked pretty spooky at first because it is quite long and pitch black in their when you first enter it.

Plymouth Washington

I will have a video of it next week, I am always ahead on photos and the videos come out later. Come to find out this tunnel used to have train tracks in it as the trains would have to pass through here.

But they changed that and rerouted the train to go over the hill instead of through it.

The interesting thing about this dam is that they built a salmon run so the salmon can still go up stream during spawning. It runs up hill and around the dam back into the lake on the other side.

Plymouth Washington

They also built a viewing area inside of a building so you can go in there and watch the salmon swim by. It is like a little tunnel in there for them with lights on you can see them.

Plymouth Washington

If you look close you can see the outline of a huge salmon swimming by the window.

Plymouth Washington

I found this so interesting, because I have never seen a salmon before until now.

Have a great weekend.

Plymouth Washington

Sandra J

The Land of Irrigation

The Land of Irrigation

The Land of Irrigation, Idaho and Oregon by far has the most beautiful pasture land I have ever seen. We cam across a lot of pastures that were being watered by high pressure irrigation systems, not only for their crops but also on the pastures even with animals like horses and cows in the pastures with the sprinklers going.

Here is the link to my video for yesterdays post on my You Tube Channel, I do like making videos of where we have been along with taking photos. Link; Idaho’s Grand Canyon Here

The Land of Irrigation

I grew up raising horses and my pastures never looked liked these. They are so lush and green and not one manure brown spot anywhere to be seen and no weeds anywhere as well. I was quite impressed.

The Land of Irrigation

The Land of Irrigation

Sandra J

Exploring Idaho

Exploring Idaho

Exploring Idaho ,back to the end of last winters trip. I get carried away with putting photos on that I am taking now, but I still have 3 states to go from the previous trip. So Idaho is next, a state that we have never been to.

As we first entered into the state at the SW corner, you can see that the view goes on for ever. This first photo shows some water in the background which is the snake river. We camped there for about a week. This was back in May of 2022, so the temperatures were not all that warm yet.

Exploring Idaho

We were making a slow trek towards Washington and Montana, knowing we were going to go over White Pass. White Pass (elev. 4,500 feet (1,372 m)) is a mountain pass in the northwest United States, in the Cascade Range of Washington, southeast of Mount Rainier and north of Goat Rocks. We did not want to get there to soon because they can have snow and ice storms everyday at any time of day. We were waiting for it to warm up a little at the pass.

As we were camping here for a week, we found on the map a place called Bruneau Canyon, a short drive from where we were staying. Well this road makes it look like a very long drive. 🙂

This area below in the photo had a sign at the start of the road that said, WARNING; This road crosses US Air Force bombing range for the next 12 miles, Objects may fall from air craft.

Well, nothing fell on us. But we did see a runway off in the distance surrounded by fence.

Exploring Idaho

Anyway, back to the story. We made it to the canyon. This canyon is referred to as Idaho’s Mini Grand Canyon. It is quite something to see. Almost as if the earth split open for miles and a river flowing down at the bottom.

Exploring Idaho

Sandra J

Unusual Nesting Material

Unusual Nesting Material

Unusual Nesting Material, we were driving down the backroads in Idaho when I notice this blob of stuff on top of a electric poll. So we pulled over and I had to zoom in with my camera and that is when I saw the Osprey Birds head amongst the sticks and realized it is a nest.

Birds have adapted to the loss of habitat for their nest and are now fortifying their construction with man made material. It is not a pretty nest but I imaging it is a bit stronger with all that twine holding the twigs together.

Unusual Nesting Material
Unusual Nesting Material

We stopped at this lake and camped for a week here on the snake river in the lower corner of Idaho last winter.

Unusual Nesting Material

Sandra J

Bird Art Tells a Story

Bird Art Tells a Story

Bird Art Tells a Story, As I look at all the photos I take, I am looking for a certain pose when it comes to bird photography. On average one or two photos out of 20 will be good when photographing wildlife, especially if you are using burst on your camera.

When it comes to bird photography, I like to save the shots where the bird is looking away or looking down. Almost as if it is thinking about something or daydreaming.

With Blue Herons, it is easy to get a shot like this because they are normally looking down at the water for food. I love the light in this photo, just enough shadow and light to create a nice piece of art work for me.

Bird Art Tells a Story

If you are a beginner in photography and want to practice photographing birds. Pick birds like the Blue Heron or Egrets and even Pelicans. They are a little slower which gives you plenty of time to practice focusing your camera, even in flight, they are fun birds to photograph.

Bird Art Tells a Story

Have a great weekend.

Bird Art Tells a Story

Sandra J

Fog and Sunshine Photography

Fog and Sunshine Photography

Fog and Sunshine Photography, this time of year there are a lot of foggy days in the south. Which I love for photography. This blue heron is perched on a pole with some heavy fog behind him that gives a wonderful blurred background to this photo.

Fog and Sunshine Photography

But, sunshine is a photographers best friend when it comes to enhancing detail in your subjects. We have taken up fishing here, well I shouldn’t say we, husband has taken up fishing and I go along with my camera. Because birds and fishing go hand in hand. They like to be close to the people fishing just in case they can catch a free meal.

This allows me to have some great photo opportunities of these birds close up and personal.

Fog and Sunshine Photography

Fog and Sunshine Photography

Sandra J

A Parallel Realm

A Parallel Realm

A Parallel Realm, A parallel realm where everything operates according to His will

Night photography is a challenge but fun as well, going out in the dark of the night and looking up into the heavens. My camera picks up more than what my eye can see most of the time.

I went out yesterday morning, as I new there is a full moon out right now, to see what possible photo I might find to take that would be a little different. I was walking back to my jeep and this puddle of water caught my eye as the moon is reflecting in it.

So I set up my camera with an aperture setting of f/22 and a long exposure of 10 sec shutter speed. f22 point sources of light become these bright, multi-pointed stars. The result is below, it was an empty parking lot with some buildings in the background as well. Something a little different.

A Parallel Realm

This photo below I was using my bridge camera and it only has an Aperture of f8, so I was not able to get the star effect of the moon over this parking lot, which is actually a truck stop we spent the night at when we were out west.

A Parallel Realm

 A parallel realm where everything operates according to His will

A Parallel Realm

A Parallel Realm

Sandra J

Lightning Photography

Lightning Photography

Lightning Photography, the other morning I woke up to the sound of thunder and rain. I got up and looked outside and off to the east I saw a lot of lightning. So I quick checked the weather station as to where the storm was from my location.

It was way off to the east so I quickly grabbed my camera gear and headed out to find a spot to set up my camera. I was almost to late, I was able to get a short video and about 8 photos as the storm raced across the morning sky.

Short Video below or this Link; Lightning Strikes over Water

Lightning Photography

I actually only used my Go Pro camera for this series of photos. I attached the go pro to the front bumper on my jeep. There is actually a hitch on the front of the jeep that sticks up high and I attached the go pro to the end of it and went back inside the jeep and watched the lightning show.

My settings for these shots are; 20 second intervals with a 15 sec shutter speed and ISO of 100.

Lightning Photography

I then took all the good photos I had and stacked them on top each other to get the final results of the photo below. It combined all the lightning strikes together.

How to Photograph Lightning w Go Pro, Camera Settings #shorts
Lightning Photography

Lightning Photography

Sandra J

The Name Live Oaks

The Name Live Oaks

The name live oak came from the fact that they remain green and “alive” throughout the winter when other oak trees are dormant and leafless.

The Name Live Oaks

While many species of oak trees are found throughout the world’s temperate zones, live oaks are native only from Virginia south to Florida and west to central Texas, especially thriving in the heat and humidity. 

The Name Live Oaks

The Name Live Oaks

Sandra J

Reflections in Time

Reflections in Time

Above there is reflection
Colorful and bright
Dancing in the sunlight
Shimmering at night

Reflections in Time

The world is full of beauty
And also some surprise
Perhaps it is the future
Reflecting in our eyes by Robert Longley

Reflections in Time

Sandra J

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from our house to yours.

 May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; may the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Sandra J