The Cheerful Flower
The Cheerful Flower – Sunflowers grow large, tall, and cheerful flower heads that brighten and animate your yard—and though you most commonly see these aptly-named beauties in sunny yellow, the annuals can be red or orange, too. There are so many good reasons to grow them, beyond the fact that they make you happy: They’re easy to cultivate, attract beneficial pollinators like butterflies and native bees, and draw beautiful songbirds (many species love these blooms!)
Including deer, they love eating them when they are young plants. But I was able to keep them away from a couple of my sunflowers so I could see them bloom and provide seeds for the birds this year.
Short video below of my tallest sunflower, over 10 ft. this one. Like the sun looking right at you. Click here, Sunflower
Have a great weekend. 🙂
Have a great weekend.
The Cheerful Flower