What Day is It
What Day is It – Varietay Friday, Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Stay cool, it is warm in my neck of the woods. Enjoy the Great Outdoors if You Can. 💕
What Day is It
What Day is It – Varietay Friday, Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Stay cool, it is warm in my neck of the woods. Enjoy the Great Outdoors if You Can. 💕
What Day is It
Orange is the Color of Autumn, this is my first sighting of the Monarch Butterfly this year, it is late in the season, so I am surprised to see it but thankful I got to see at least one this year. Early this spring I saw a few butterfly’s or moths and their wings were pretty scraped up from the long flight up here. But this one looks pretty healthy.
I hope he makes the long journey to its winter home. It is written in their design, from the moment they are alive, to go to the same place, even though some have never been there before. They just know.
Orange is the Color of Autumn
Before Migration Begins,  Ruby-throated Hummingbirds double their weight from 3 grams to over 6 grams prior to departing. They don’t stay pudgy for long, though. In northward migrations, it’s not uncommon for a hummingbird to weigh around 2.5 grams when it reaches U.S. shores!
Each year, hummingbirds embark on two migrations – one north and one south. These migratory journeys, which can span hundreds or thousands of miles, require immense preparation and a shocking amount of energy from these small birds – the smallest in the world.Â
In the fall hummingbirds can set out as early as late July and the last stragglers will cross the southern U.S. border by late October. It’s this amazing cycle of hummingbird migration that can also bring a sudden swarm of activity to your hummingbird feeders. If you have a well-maintained hummingbird feeder, expect plenty of new visitors as they try to boost their energy before the next stage of their journey.
I am taking lots of photographs of them right now before they leave. I look forward to seeing them again next year.
Before Migration Begins
Bumble Bee Bumble Bee, Oh How You Help My Garden Grow;
I Can See How Hard You Work, for You Are Covered in Sparkling Yellow Snow ——- No wait, that doesn’t sound right.
You Are Covered in Yellow Pollen Snow ; Alright I am not a poet for sure, I could not think what rhymes with grow.
Feel free to add some suggestions below, WAIT, that rhymes,
Bumble Bee Bumble Bee, Oh How You Help My Garden Grow, I See How Hard You Work From All the Pollen on You in the Photo Below. Whew, I think Daryl Madden or Mr. Ohh might have a few ideas as well. 😊
Ahhhhh, I missed my landing
Young Eagle Stopped By today, I have not seen many eagles this year. Only on occasion when they fly by and sometimes stop and hang out in a tree for a little bit. This one here just glided right in, he was so far away, I wasn’t sure what it was at first.
So I got the big camera lens out and that is when I realized it is a young Eagle. I never get tired of seeing them.
So I thought I would share some of my favorite Eagle photos below.
Young Eagle Stopped By
Flowers Evoke All Our Senses, sight, smell and touch to name a few. My driveway becomes a wild flower garden every year and by July the fragrance is enough to make one stand still in awe of what comes forth from this earth. Butterflies and small critters everywhere, as if one is walking through a dream.
Flowers Evoke All Our Senses