Tag: birding



INCOMING!!! Look Out 😉 As the one brown pelican checks its backside to get his tail feathers out of the way for the two diving behind him. Whew, close call.

Happy New Years Eve,

We went for a walk along the beach on a windy day and there were dozens of brown pelicans diving all in one area, but when I looked closer I noticed they appeared to be following some dolphins. As the dolphins moved around the pelicans were not to far behind. A short video below will show this amazing sight we saw.


I mentioned before about how the brown pelicans turn ever so slightly to the left to protect their esophagus. You will see this in the video below.

Watch this video on YouTube.
Sandra J's Photography

Have a Great Weekend


by Sandra J

The Royal Terns Have Left the Court

The Royal Terns Have Left the Court

The Royal Terns Have Left the Court, well this is the closest I have been to these birds this week. I have driven by this marina many times since I took these photos and have not seen any birds there since. But I am always on the look out for the next exciting bird sighting. There are some new birds still to come as we venture along the gulf coast.

The Royal Terns Have Left the Court
The Royal Terns Have Left the Court
The Royal Terns Have Left the Court

The Royal Terns Have Left the Court

by Sandra J

The King of the Royalty Court

The King of the Royalty Court

The King of the Royalty Court standing above all the others is of course the Brown Pelican. Mostly because of their size, they take what ever post they want and make the other birds leave. But they are such a beautiful bird as well I think. Dressed in all their brown plumage.

They are a facinating bird, especially when they are fishing. But I have noticed one thing here on the gulf coast, when the dolphins are around the pelicans follow them. Looking for the fish the dolphins round up I suspect.

The King of the Royalty Court
The King of the Royalty Court

The King of the Royalty Court

by Sandra J

There is More

There is More

There is More, I took plenty of photos of this beautiful bird in case I never see one again. There is one in the line that is different from the rest. Can you see it? 3rd bird down, he wants to be a Royal Gull I think. Standing with all the other Royals.

There is More
Watch this video on YouTube.
Sandra J's Photography
There is More

There is More

by Sandra J

Portrait of the Snowy Egret

Portrait of the Snowy Egret

Portrait of the Snowy Egret, we went out for a bike ride on this particular morning. The sun was still low in the sky and as we crossed a small bridge we came to a sudden stop. As we noticed this beautiful Egret perched on a branch just above the creek.

I slowly got my camera out, the sun was behind us creating a beautiful spot light, it turned to look towards me and I took the photo as you see. Sometimes when I am least expecting it, an average morning bike ride turns into a site that can take my breathaway.

Have a Wonderful Weekend.

Portrait of the Snowy Egret
Portrait of the Snowy Egret

Portrait of the Snowy Egret

by Sandra J

What is Snowy and Great

What is Snowy and Great

What is Snowy and Great, that would be two different species of Egret Birds. The Snowy Egret has a black bill and a touch of yellow around the eyes. Much smaller than the great egret as well.

What is Snowy and Great
What is Snowy and Great

The Great Egret, as shown below, has always impressed me with their large wing spans. I love to try and photograph these beautiful birds when the are flying over water, to capture the tips of their wings just grazing the water is a fun challenge to do. One has to sit patiently for quite awhile to do this sometimes.

egret flying over water

The Snowy Egret below enjoying the fresh catch of the day.

What is Snowy and Great
What is Snowy and Great

What is Snowy and Great

by Sandra J

Through the Tunnel & Over the Bridge

Through the Tunnel & Over the Bridge

Through the Tunnel & Over the Bridge to New Adventures We Go 😉

Someday is Here

Through the Tunnel & Over the Bridge

You know how some of us say; ” Someday I am going to go on that big trip”, or Someday I will do __________.

Well, the word someday usually means never. I heard that in a movie that the actor Tom Cruise is in. He said that line.

Someday is here and our journey continues. I look forward to sharing photos of God’s Country along the way. I wish you all a wonderful weekend. Try to never put off what you can do today until someday. Life is a gift,

Watch this video on YouTube.
Sandra J's Photography

Life is a gift and death is a homecoming to me.  Our body’s are on loan to us just for a short time to enjoy the wonderful things He gives us.  I did not grow up in a Christian family at all.  A neighbor told me a little bit about it when I was 10 years old and I have been searching for the truth ever since.

He never meant for it to be a mystery; it is the gift of life. Finding my purpose has been the journey, the end will just be the beginning.

Through the Tunnel & Over the Bridge

Twist and Turns

Twist and Turns

Twist and Turns is the design of this tree, plus it is a great spot for the birds to perch on high above the forest floor. The trees in the south have so many different designs to them. Amazing how the branches seem to go in all different directions.

Twist and Turns

She was framed by His words to represent His Creation

Twist and Turns
Twist and Turns

Have a Wonderful Weekend

Twist and Turns

by Sandra J

The Tri Colored Heron

The Tri Colored Heron

The Tri Colored Heron, this is a new bird for me to photograph. I posted one photo of it awhile ago, but I did not know what it was until a fellow blogger saw the photo and said it is named a Tri Colored Heron. Well, I was hoping to see this bird again and I did. I thought at first it was just a young heron because it is smaller but it is so much more colorful than the Blue Heron I normally see.

The Tri Colored Heron

The fellow blogger is; Wildlife Intrigued, you can visit his blog by clicking his channel name. He has wonderful photos of birds as well and he is doing a count on how many he can see in a year. If you are interested there is a movie about this very subject; The Big Year, it is a true story about people who love to photograph birds and doing a big year, meaning seeing how many birds they can see in one year. A movie trailer below.

 The big year record of 840 species was set by John Weigel of Australia in 2019

The world big year record of 6,852 species was set in 2016 by Arjan Dwarshuis of the Netherlands.

The Tri Colored Heron

I started counting the birds I have seen and photographed this week, I made a spread sheet and started looking them up. So far I have come up with 83 species of birds and still counting that I have photographed.

Watch this video on YouTube.
Sandra J's Photography

The Tri Colored Heron

by Sandra J

Don’t Forget to Look Up

Don’t Forget to Look Up

Don’t Forget to Look Up, well I went for a walk to my favorite little lake here and they have a dock over the water and some benches to sit on. I walked up to the benches and sat down one early morning. I was enjoying the view in front of me and then I looked up and to my surprise, right above me stood this beautiful Egret bird, as quiet as it could be.

I slowly raised my camera up to photograph this bird high above me. Then it flew off, what a fun surprise this was. Sometimes I focus to much on what is right in front of me and I miss the beauty that surrounds me from above looking down at me.

Don't Forget to Look Up
Don't Forget to Look Up

Don’t Forget to Look Up

by Sandra J

Precious Are We

Precious Are We

Precious Are We, these two lovely ducks were walking along in the park. One looks a little ruffled, maybe it is the younger of the two. I added some flowers to the photo because they just looked like they should be enjoying flowers on this beautiful Autumn day. But there was another duck not far behind them. A grumpy looking duck to say the least.

Precious Are We

Now it could just be the dark feathers around his eye, but he looks like he is having a bad day, giving my the ole stink eye like some of the deer did last year when I photographed them. 🙂

Precious Are We

He is unique, but I have to say his feathers are just as beautiful as the two from above.

His back feathers look like a warm throw blanket, with a beautiful design all his own.

Precious Are We

by Sandra J

For the Love of Pelicans

For the Love of Pelicans

For the Love of Pelicans, who’s bills hold more then their bellies can. 😉

The two pelicans species I have photographed here in the mid west. The Great White Pelicans and the Brown Pelicans. Yesterday I talked about the difference in their size.

For the Love of Pelicans

They do look similar with their actions and how they hold their heads. But,

The White Pelican has the largest wing span reaching 108 inches across. Their wings are beautiful and uniform which makes them glidge effortlessly above. They swim on the water and catch their fish by scooping them up in their bills.

freedom of flight pelican

The brown pelican is made for speed and diving. Their wings spans are shorter, their feathers on the wings are ragged and torn.

Because, they dive sometimes from as high as 60 feet. Air sacs beneath the skin on their breasts act like cushions. Also, while diving, a pelican rotates its body ever so slightly to the left. This rotation helps avoid injury to the esophagus and trachea, which are located on the right side of the bird’s neck.

For the Love of Pelicans

This is how a Brown Pelican catches food, diving in head first. They can’t be all pretty and preened when nose diving all day for food.

Have a Great Weekend

For the Love of Pelicans

The Beautiful Brown Pelicans

The Beautiful Brown Pelicans

The Beautiful Brown Pelicans

I am back in my favorite place, where I can see the Brown Pelicans everyday. Those of you who have seen my blog post from way back know that I have photographed a lot of the Great White Pelicans and I photographed them in Iowa of all places. But the brown pelicans are only found down south on the ocean waters.

The Beautiful Brown Pelicans

The biggest difference between the two types of Pelicans is the color of course and then their size. The White pelicans have a wing span of 108″ and the Brown pelicans have a 78 inch wing span. I will show the difference on tomorrow’s post.

The Beautiful Brown Pelicans
brown pelican

The Beautiful Brown Pelicans

by Sandra J

Deep Thoughts by Blue Heron

Deep Thoughts by Blue Heron

Deep Thoughts by Darren the Heron, My Heart Will Go On as I stand here alone on this beach, looking out over the water wondering where she went.

Play the video at the end and then look at the pictures again. That is what I was thinking when I first saw Darren the Heron standing alone on the beach looking out over the ocean.

Deep Thoughts by Blue Heron
Deep Thoughts by Blue Heron
wings of a heron
Watch this video on YouTube.
Sandra J's Photography

Deep Thoughts by Blue Heron

by Sandra J

Blue Heron on Vacation

Blue Heron on Vacation

Blue Heron on Vacation, one thing about the birds when you get down by the ocean is, they are not to afraid of people. So they stand right next to you which is great for photo opts. You will find them near people especially if they have a fishing pole in their hands, looking for a easy meal.

Blue Heron on Vacation
Blue Heron on Vacation
sqawking heron
blue heron

Blue Heron on Vacation

by Sandra J

The Mississippi River

The Mississippi River

The Mississippi River, we are back along the Mississippi River. It has been awhile since we camped along the river. A bit muggy this time of year, but always something to see.

The Mississippi River
The Mississippi River

The Mississippi River

by Sandra J

Diving Head First

Diving Head First

Diving Head First into a New Adventure this weekend. It is my birthday weekend, I am turning the big 60 years old. A year ago I picked where I wanted to be on my 60th birthday and these photos will give you a little hint. . But this adventure does not end with just a weekend. 60 is the new 30, we are never to old to make our dreams come true, faith and trust.

Of course a lot has happened over this past year and I never write my plans in stone. One never knows if tomorrow will come, I take one day at a time and enjoy it to the fullest.

So I am going to say; Have a wonderful weekend a little early today.

Diving Head First
Diving Head First
two brown pelicans
two white egrets

Diving Head First

Yellow Daisy’s for Fall

Yellow Daisy’s for Fall

Yellow Daisy’s for Fall, there are still some daisy’s growing here and there this September. Such a bright beautiful color.

Yellow Daisy's for Fall
Yellow Daisy's for Fall
yellow daisy

Oh, and the finches are still sporting their yellow feathers.

yellow finch

Yellow Daisy’s for Fall

by Sandra J

The Young Eagle

The Young Eagle

The Young Eagle This beautiful young eagle has been visiting our place lately. He is very noticeable just from his size alone. Even hidden in the shade of these trees, his silhouette is quite breathtaking when I notice him on the branch of this aspen tree.

The Young Eagle
The Young Eagle

The plumage of juvenile and immature bald eagles shows a good deal of variation. In fact, immature bald eagle plumages are among the most complicated and difficult to classify among North American birds. 

The Young Eagle

Have a Great Weekend

by Sandra J

I Was Waiting For Them

I Was Waiting For Them

I Was Waiting For Them this morning. Every morning about 4 groups of geese fly over head towards the east. This first photo shows the sun is just coming up as they fly over, so you can see the sun light on the front of their wings. I have not seen geese all summer but come September they do this fly over everyday, I am not sure where they are going and in the evening they fly back towards the west.

I Was Waiting For Them

They start about 7:30 am, when the sun is just coming up and by the 3rd group that fly’s over, it gets a little brighter and the sky starts turning into a beautiful blue instead of gray.

I Was Waiting For Them
I Was Waiting For Them
two geese in flight

Have a Wonderful Weekend.

by Sandra J

Until We Meet Again

Until We Meet Again

Until We Meet Again – to the Ruby Throated Hummingbirds in my yard this year. I have made a note on my calendar, for the first time this year, I have not seen these beautiful little birds. I believe they started their long journey south. They have been all over my fall flowers and feeders throughout August and now they are gone.

So here are some of my best photos during 2021 of the Ruby Throated Hummingbirds. Safe travels.

Until We Meet Again
Until We Meet Again
Until We Meet Again

Until We Meet Again

by Sandra J

What Day is It

What Day is It

What Day is It – Varietay Friday, Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Stay cool, it is warm in my neck of the woods. Enjoy the Great Outdoors if You Can. 💕

What Day is It
What Day is It

What Day is It

by Sandra J

Before Migration Begins

Before Migration Begins

Before Migration Begins,  Ruby-throated Hummingbirds double their weight from 3 grams to over 6 grams prior to departing. They don’t stay pudgy for long, though. In northward migrations, it’s not uncommon for a hummingbird to weigh around 2.5 grams when it reaches U.S. shores!

Before Migration Begins

Each year, hummingbirds embark on two migrations – one north and one south. These migratory journeys, which can span hundreds or thousands of miles, require immense preparation and a shocking amount of energy from these small birds – the smallest in the world. 

Before Migration Begins

In the fall hummingbirds can set out as early as late July and the last stragglers will cross the southern U.S. border by late October. It’s this amazing cycle of hummingbird migration that can also bring a sudden swarm of activity to your hummingbird feeders. If you have a well-maintained hummingbird feeder, expect plenty of new visitors as they try to boost their energy before the next stage of their journey.

I am taking lots of photographs of them right now before they leave. I look forward to seeing them again next year.

Before Migration Begins

Before Migration Begins

by Sandra J

Young Eagle Stopped By

Young Eagle Stopped By

Young Eagle Stopped By today, I have not seen many eagles this year. Only on occasion when they fly by and sometimes stop and hang out in a tree for a little bit. This one here just glided right in, he was so far away, I wasn’t sure what it was at first.

So I got the big camera lens out and that is when I realized it is a young Eagle. I never get tired of seeing them.

Young Eagle Stopped By

So I thought I would share some of my favorite Eagle photos below.

eagle landing on a branch
Young Eagle Stopped By   eagle flying
eagle close up

Young Eagle Stopped By

by Sandra J

Update on the Tree Swallows

Update on the Tree Swallows

Update on the Tree Swallows, Well, I did not get any purple martins at my bird houses this year. But the pair of Tree Swallow birds are still here. I lowered the bird house last week and they have 5 eggs in their nest. So maybe there will be little ones flying around soon. The eggs have been there for quite awhile it seems like. But I have seen them coming in and out of that apartment in the house.

Update on the Tree Swallows
tree swallow
Update on the Tree Swallows

Now, they are called Tree Swallows, so I am assuming they should be nesting in trees, but I think they like being barn swallows and/or apartment dwellers.

Last week I had a surprise visitor at our back yard. A mother black bear and her yearling cub. I will be posting photos tomorrow and a video on You Tube, it was an amazing thing to see.

by Sandra J

Want to Fly Like an Eagle

Want to Fly Like an Eagle

Want to Fly Like an Eagle, to the Sea, Fly Like an Eagle, Let my Spirit Carry Me

Click this link to see these hummingbirds flying in slow motion at my place. Humming Birds in Slow Motion – You will see where I photograph these birds from my porch and the camera that I use.

Want to Fly Like an Eagle

Time Keeps On Slippin

Want to Fly Like an Eagle

Slippin, Slippin

Want to Fly Like an Eagle

Let My Spirit Carry Me

Want to Fly Like an Eagle

The words are from a song by the Steve Miller Band 😉💕

Want to Fly Like an Eagle

by Sandra J

Good Thing It is Summer

Good Thing It is Summer

Good Thing It is Summer or his tongue would stick to the metal. Be honest, who did that when you were younger. Had your tongue get stuck to a metal pole. I did, on the playground during recess. They dared me and I went ahead and tried it. But I barely touched it, I was only stuck for a few seconds. I never forgot it, good thing we get a little wiser as we get older.

Good Thing It is Summer
Good Thing It is Summer

Good Thing It is Summer

by Sandra J

White Pelicans on the Mississippi

White Pelicans on the Mississippi

White Pelicans on the Mississippi, well I am not any where near the Mississippi River this year and I do miss seeing these beautiful birds. Luckily I have plenty of photos to look back on when I want to take a look at these magnificent birds. So I thought I would share some of my favorites today.

White Pelicans on the Mississippi
White Pelicans on the Mississippi
pelican standing
White Pelicans on the Mississippi  white pelican
group of pelicans

White Pelicans on the Mississippi

by Sandra J