Tag: begonia

Flowers on the Porch

Flowers on the Porch

Flowers on the Porch, I am seeing a pattern here of choosing purple and yellow flowers. These are some flowers on my porch, I so enjoy having a few flowers in baskets near by. I have not planted any seedlings yet around the yard. We keep getting frost every night.

Flowers on the Porch

The yellow flowers are Begonia’s. I did get a water tester for my plants this year. I tend to over water them and they don’t do so well. So I use the tester a lot to make sure I only water them when the soil is dry.

Flowers on the Porch
Flowers on the Porch

I do have this one plant with the most interesting colored leaves, I don’t know what they are, but there are always so many different colors of plants like this at the green houses.

by Sandra J