Tag: adventures outdoors

The Other Side of the Wall

The Other Side of the Wall

The Other Side of the Wall in Paducah is the Ohio River. This river flooded the town many years ago, hence the building of the mural wall.

The Other Side of the Wall

Lined with interesting looking trees

Mural of the locks on the river

The Other Side of the Wall

Street musicians playing some wonderful music as we walked downtown enjoying the scenery.

Have a wonderful weekend. Next week I will show you a museum. I did not know this type of museum existed anywhere in the country. Cool place though. 🙂

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Lots to See in Paducah

Lots to See in Paducah

Lots to See in Paducah. An old style theater where they still put on plays. Beautiful architecture on all the streets.

Lots to See in Paducah

Signs every where telling you some history as you walk along the river side.

Lots to See in Paducah

Museums with lots of items from days gone by. This is what the drug stores looked like, beautiful wooden cabinets holding all the medicinal items.

Lots to See in Paducah

Lots to See in Paducah

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Discover the Charm of Paducah

Discover the Charm of Paducah

A Hidden Gem of History and Art

Discover the Charm of Paducah A Hidden Gem of History and Art. A beautiful little town filled with history and art. Another town that we have camped near for many years, but we never actually went into the town itself. Until last spring. What a surprise we had to find such a historical little town full of brick streets, old buildings and museums. The grand attraction called the Wall to Wall Murals, Portraits of their Past.

This town is full of historic beautiful homes, a vibrant downtown area with lots of original brick buildings and streets. Just a fun place to visit.

Paducah Kentucky

This is one of the murals below showing the bustling main street of Paducah from back in the day.

Discover the Charm of Paducah

The man behind the murals is;

Robert Dafford, Muralist

Dafford, a resident of Lafayette, Louisiana, fell in love with the city on his first visit. He was introduced to several local citizens. He learned about Paducah’s history. He stated, “This river town has vast and colorful history. It would be an ideal location to paint images from its past”. He and his team of talented muralists were commissioned to start painting Paducah’s floodwall the next spring. Dafford has painted over 500 murals across the United States, Canada, France, England and Belgium.

He has been painting murals, signs and fine art paintings for over 50 years. In the past 40 years, Dafford has concentrated on working along the Ohio River. He has painted over 200 large historical images of cities on their floodwalls. Many riverboat and motor coach tours make stops along the Ohio River specifically to see these murals.

Paducah Kentucky

He has a team of artist that help him paint these murals. The tour guide at the museum told us that when he started painting these it cost $10,000 dollars a photo. She said now it is over $30,000 to paint one section. There are a few empty pieces of the wall yet in need of a mural, but because of the cost. He has not done anymore lately.

Discover the Charm of Paducah

Discover the Charm of Paducah: A Hidden Gem of History and Art

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Days Are Getting Shorter

Days Are Getting Shorter

Days Are Getting Shorter – As I sit at my computer on this serene early morning, I watch the daylight gradually stretch its arrival, casting a gentle glow through my window. I wait patiently, eager to see the birds make their appearance at the feeders.

The blue jays have arrived, bringing their young along to learn the art of foraging. The fledglings, fluttering around with eagerness, receive gentle guidance from their parents as they practice eating on their own.

I have been taking photos of these colorful birds, trying to get shots of them in flights to see their colorful feathers.

Days Are Getting Shorter

As most of you have probably heard, AI is here to stay and it is making an impact on our photography world as well.

Yes, I have been dabbling into the art of AI with my photos as I have extra time these days. Exploring this new technology to make greeting cards for the upcoming seasons apon us.

I only use photoshop and they have incorporated a new AI into its program this month. I quite enjoy using it and creating art by using my photos as the generative reference images.

I have two samples below showing the difference between using your own reference photos and using text to image program.

This first photo below I used my blue jay photos to make this wintery greeting card. It does pretty well I think. I also list on all of my work when it is AI generated or not and how I made the piece.

Days Are Getting Shorter

Now this print below is using the text to image system. Where you describe what you want the photo to look like. I do not prefer this type of imagery. But I can see where some folks might like to use this, for creating children’s books or something like that.

There is a place for art using this new technology I believe, it does not replace photography at all, but it is definitely here to stay and being used throughout industries of all kinds, from advertising to creating movies.

Right now I can still tell the difference between AI and Real, but that may change as the software keeps improving.

I believe there will always be a place for genuine photographs because computers can’t replicate the human touch. While technology can imitate creativity, it can never replace the authentic essence of human expression.

Days Are Getting Shorter

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Night Sky Phenomena

Night Sky Phenomena

Night Sky Phenomena – I cannot explain these photos as all. I took some photos in the middle of last week as I noticed the night sky was clear and the stars were shinning bright.

I set my camera up for time lapse again, I then went inside and fell asleep for a couple of hours. Woke up and went outside to retrieve my camera and put the SD card in my computer and this is what I saw.

There were a few shooting stars mostly going south west. This light appears on the left side of the shot and it is moving NE with the two lights in the middle of the larger lights. All three were moving together north.

It took 10 consecutive shots as the light moved from the tree line and then went out of frame. It held the same shape the entire distance, Now I don’t know what it was, but my imagination says it could be angel wings, which is a hopeful thought for me. These lights are extremely large as well.

I have photographed many stars over the years and have never seen anything like this. I will never know probably what it is, but I know what I would like it to be. 🙂

Night Sky Phenomena
I Don't Know What This Is
Night Sky Phenomena
I Don't Know What This Is
Night Sky Phenomena

I Don’t Know What This Is

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Perseid Meteor Shower

Perseid Meteor Shower

Perseid Meteor Shower – you may have heard that last weekend was the highlight of the Perseid Meteor shower. I had my camera gear ready and we had a clear night for the even last Sunday.

I got up around 2 am and looked out the window first and noticed the sky seemed kind of bright for viewing stars. I went outside and low and behold the Northern lights were dancing across the sky as well, that is why it was brighter than normal.

Bad news, I saw a few shooting stars but not as many as they said there were because of the northern lights where I live.

This photo below shows the northern lights plus I stacked about 100 photos to show you the star trails. I had my camera set to time lapse photos, 15 sec shutter speed, WB 4500K, ISO 4000, F2.8 with a wide- angle lens.

Perseid Meteor Shower

This next photo, I was able to capture just a bit of the milky way with the northern lights, this photo was taken with a small little Go Pro Camera. Set to time lapse photos.

Perseid Meteor Shower

I did notice that these photos facing SW showed more pink and green lights

Whereas this photo below, I was facing north and the lights were greener and more vibrant. I have a lot of trees lining my driveway, so I had to walk down the driveway, which is very dark and kind of spooky because there are a lot of wolves, bears, fox, and coyotes, oh my, 🙂

So, I walked down the driveway, took 2 photos quick and hurried back to the cabin. But, not one photo with a shooting star. Maybe next time.

Perseid Meteor Shower

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

She is Sneaky

She is Sneaky

She is Sneaky this little fawn, she is just starting to come out of the woods with mom in this first photo, the minute I come out with the camera she high tails it back to the woods.

She is Sneaky

Everyday she is getting more brave to not run when she sees me, she is curious and mom keeps a close eye on her.

She is Sneaky

Have a great weekend.

She is Sneaky

She is Sneaky

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

The Infinity Mirror

The Infinity Mirror

The Infinity Mirror – as the tour guide took us upstairs and by the way, the railing on this staircase is so short. Because people were shorter back then. It was only about 3 ft tall, my husband is 6’3″ and the railing came up just above his knee. The tour guide told us that because a lot of people trip on the stairs being the railing is misleading for support.

The Infinity Mirror

A beautiful hallway that holds a remake of the infinity mirror.

The Infinity Mirror

Which is 2 mirrors right across from each other so it goes on forever.

The Infinity Mirror
The Infinity Mirror

So this is it for this tour, if you are ever crossing the border by Paducah Kentucky, make sure to stop at this welcome center. They still have lots of pretty flowers growing all around the home as well. Wonderful place to take a break on your journey.

The Infinity Mirror

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Some People Returned Items

Some People Returned Items

Some People Returned Items – some of the stolen items were returned when they found out they were restoring this home. A lot of it was also just donated that was not original to the home. But it fit the time period and looks amazing in there now.

Some People Returned Items
Some People Returned Items

There are constant repairs that need to be done, like cracks in the walls and ceilings. But overall they did an amazing job restoring this old place.

Some People Returned Items

Some People Returned Items

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Vandalism of This Historic Home

Vandalism of This Historic Home

Vandalism of This Historic Home – we learned the history of this home by going on the free tour they give. The tour guide was so informative, she really new everything about this place.

So, it was owned by a couple different people, the second owners did a lot of landscaping and made flower gardens around the 52 acre home. Lots of gatden parties back in the day.

These folks left the home in 1968, as the new interstate was being built right in front of this home and they figured it was going to get torn down. But it never did get torn down as they built the interstate and subsequently, people started vandalizing the home, taking items like the chandelier below. They took all the original stained glass windows or just broke them.

You can see by the photos below what it looked like at one point. Quite a few people were actually sleeping in the house and building fires in their to cook food and keep warm, using the original wood around the house.

Vandalism of This Historic Home

Along with the destruction from rain and snow coming in through the windows and roof. It seems like this place should have been torn down.

But the transportation cabinet along with Governor John Brown, they decided to restore it. They needed a welcome center on the new interstate and instead of building a new one, they restored this mansion.

Vandalism of This Historic Home

They also moved in all of the Vice Presidents office things to this building as it needed a place to go from where it was at previously. So you can see his desk and items he used when he was in office.

Vandalism of This Historic Home

Vandalism of This Historic Home

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Kentucky Rest Area

Kentucky Rest Area

Kentucky Rest Area – This week I am going to show you a place that I have wanted to stop at for years and we finally did a few months ago. We drove by it so many times, it is a rest area in Kentucky, probably one of the best rest areas I have ever stopped at.

This unique historical rest area/welcome center is, Whitehaven. It is a Victorian home built in the 1860’s and has quite the story as to how it became a rest area.

Kentucky Rest Area

This home is steeped in KY history from former Vice President Alben Barkley to many influential figures in the formation of Kentucky’s history.

This mansion was once destined to be destroyed, but was saved by the KY Transportation Cabinet.

Kentucky Rest Area

Kentucky Rest Area

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

The Sly Fox

The Sly Fox

The Sly Fox – I photographed this beautiful animal on the gulf coast. I don’t see fox very often, they are around where I live, but never see them during the day. I did catch one on my trail camera last week passing by.

Beautiful animals, have a wonderful weekend.

The Sly Fox
The Sly Fox

This is AI’s version of my fox photo painted. I kind of like it. In any of my digital work, I always list it as digital. I am a photographer before being a digital artist. But I always use photos I take to get this look with the help of technology.

The Sly Fox

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Treasures on the Gulf Coast

Treasures on the Gulf Coast

Treasures on the Gulf Coast – The Gulf Coast is a treasure trove of vibrant seascapes, and the shrimp boats there add a special splash of color to the scene.

Picture a cluster of these boats lined up along the dock or gently bobbing on the water, each one a canvas of bold hues. Bright blues, vivid reds, sunny yellows, and deep greens paint a lively mosaic against the backdrop of the shimmering Gulf.

Treasures on the Gulf Coast

I love seeing the shrimp boats on the water when we visit the coast down south. I photographed these boats at Bayou La Batre in LA when we were there.

Treasures on the Gulf Coast

Treasures on the Gulf Coast

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

A Dazzling Jewel

A Dazzling Jewel

A Dazzling Jewel – The male cardinal’s brilliant red plumage is nothing short of breathtaking, resembling a vivid splash of crimson against the soft green foliage backdrop. His striking color radiates with an almost fiery intensity, making him a dazzling jewel amidst the muted tones of his surroundings.

A Dazzling Jewel

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

The Eye of a Cat

The Eye of a Cat

The Eye of a Cat, this is my cat. Kit Kit is her name. I sit at my dinning room table to do all my computer work and this table is right by a nice large window. I like to watch the birds outdoors as I am doing my work.

The Eye of a Cat

My cat loves to sit right next to my computer, sometimes looking out the window and if it is a little cooler in the house. She likes to curl up on the transformer box that I use to charge the computer. It is like her own little warming station.

Anyway, on this day she was looking out the window and I was looking at her eyes. An amazing thing to see up close, a cats eye. So I had to take a few photos close up. I had my phone camera right next to her face and she just sat there perfectly still. Liking the attention.

The Eye of a Cat

The Eye of a Cat

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

The Storm Clouds Gather

The Storm Clouds Gather

The Storm Clouds Gather, dark and dense, A tumult roars, the heavens tense, Lightning cracks the twilight’s veil, A furious dance, a tempest’s wail.

The Storm Clouds Gather

The sky ignites with electric fire, Each flash a fierce, consuming pyre, Thunder’s voice, a booming cry, Echoes through the bruised night sky.

The Storm Clouds Gather

Yet in the chaos, midst the rage, A fleeting light begins to wage, As torrents drench the world below, A secret promise starts to show.

The Storm Clouds Gather

The storm, though wild, begins to fade, Its fierce embrace now softly swayed, And through the tears of shattered rain, A ribbon forms, a hopeful chain.

Colors break through, soft and bright, A spectral arc against the night, A rainbow blooms, a quiet cheer, A bridge of peace in storm’s austere.

The Storm Clouds Gather

Have a wonderful weekend.

The Storm Clouds Gather

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

Serenity in Reflection

Serenity in Reflection

“Serenity in Reflection: Capturing Nature’s Canvas at the Lake”

First day of August, last year our first frost was on August 25th, but it is near 90 today, so we will see what the month brings.

Finally took the boat out this summer. The loons are swimming with their babies. Hope to get photos of them next time.

Serenity in Reflection

Nature’s Fury

Nature’s Fury

Nature’s Fury: The Dramatic Beauty of Shelf Clouds

Last month brought some stormy weather where I live, two shelf clouds this year so far. They move very fast being pushed by some horrific winds. The clouds roll at you in so many different shapes.

The first one here, it was a big shelf cloud with some cloud movements like nothing I have ever seen. Video Below.

Video Below;   or click this title here to see the video on my You Tube Channel, Natures Fury

Thunder Rolls, Scary Cloud Formations, Time Lapse, Heavens Open, Rainbows Shine in the End

The Second Shelf cloud storm was more straight lined right across, rolling like pie dough in a tight line. Both with winds and rain that almost made me run back into the house. 🙂

Nature's Fury

Nature’s Fury

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

The Old Windmill

The Old Windmill

The Old Windmill – In the 18th century, the Great Plains were considered unfit for cultivation. The area was termed the “Great American Desert.” Droughts would follow rainy spells and the sun and wind would dry up surface moisture.

In 1854, Daniel Halladay developed the American-type windmill. It was smaller, less expensive and could be shipped and built easily. Its sails were held into the wind by a weight, which would rise slowing to reduce the area of the sails when the wind was too fast. Traditional cloth covered sails were soon replaced with smaller wooden blades.

These new windmills were ideal for settlers on the plains. They could pump water from great depths at a steady rate. They could shift into the prevailing winds and functioned well in fast and slow winds. And to top it off, they required little maintenance.

You can still find a few of these scattered across the states. Iowa still has a few, I took this photo from the RV window. There is just something nostalgic about these windmills.

I don’t know how many of these old windmills are in Iowa these days.

The Old Windmill

But it does say there are 6000 of these wind turbines in Iowa alone as of today. The giant thing in the background of the photo below. A big difference in windmills from the old days.

I won’t get into the efficiency of these or all the controversy about them all over the country. I know at this little horse show I went to, I photographed a lot of children with their horses and had to delete a lot of windmills from the background. Which is not that hard to do in photoshop these days.

The Old Windmill
The Old Windmill
windmill at sunset

The Old Windmill

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

In Twilight’s Hush

In Twilight’s Hush

In Twilight’s Hush, where whispers drift, The storm clouds weave a gentle shift, Like ghosts in realms of azure seas, They float with soft, enigmatic ease.

In Twilight's Hush

With edges brushed in shades of grey, They roam the sky in a fleeting ballet, Their wispy tendrils tease the night, An ethereal dance of shadowed light.

They gather slow with sighs of lore, A murmured tale of tempest’s core, Yet in their grace, a calm prevails, An artful play where calmness sails.

In Twilight's Hush

No thunder’s roar or lightning’s claim, Just drifting clouds with no ill aim, They kiss the heavens, drift and part, An endless play of storm and heart.

Their fleeting forms in twilight blend, A moment’s breath that does transcend, In wispy trails, their stories told, Of storms unbound and skies unrolled.

In Twilight’s Hush

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

Silhouettes and Sunsets

Silhouettes and Sunsets

Silhouettes and Sunsets – In the quiet of dusk, where day meets night, Silhouettes dance in the fading light, Outlined figures against the golden blaze, A moment suspended in the sun’s last gaze.

Silhouettes and Sunsets

Trees stretch their limbs like ink on the sky, Birds soar in patterns, bidding day goodbye, Silhouettes of wings, elegant and free, Caught in the hues of a painted reverie.

And when the night arrives, with stars aglow,
Silhouettes fade where memories flow,
But in the heart’s canvas, they remain,
Silhouettes and sunsets, eternally framed.

Silhouettes and Sunsets

Have a wonderful weekend.

Silhouettes and Sunsets

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

Spring Bird Family Vacations

Spring Bird Family Vacations

Spring Bird Family Vacations – or lets call it the bird resort here at our place. This is the baby update of these 4 birds who have nested around our place.

The Raven is here every year all year. This couple had 2 babies this year. I have been trying to get a photo of all 4 of them together, but not easy to do. The 2 babies follow mom and dad everywhere still wanting to be fed by them. I just love watching how birds take care of their families.

Spring Bird Family Vacations
The Raven bird

I had mentioned in an earlier post that the Eastern Bluebirds had 4 babies. They have all left the nest and I am really going to miss these because they eat a lot of bugs. One baby somehow landed in a bucket I had outside, I took him over by the bird house and he wondered out of the bucket and than flew off.

I hope they come back next year.

The beautiful Tree Swallows had 4 or 5 babies. It is hard to count these because they fly so fast. They have all left as well. I looked up on the internet to find out where do they go after fledging. It said they usually find a group of their own and all hang out together until they fly south for the winter.

My northern Flicker residence are still here and they had 2 babies as well. I still see them flying around as a family for now.

If I can get any new photos of the kids, I will surely share them with you.

Spring Bird Family Vacations

Love of Bird Photography

Love of Bird Photography

Love of Bird Photography – Some of my favorite shots this summer so far.

Eastern Bluebird on the Fly, update on these birds nesting in my purple martin house. They had 4 babies and I saw one fly out of the bird house with its parent. The other 3 would take turns coming out of the nesting box and sit on the little porch. That is a small space for 4 baby birds so they are all probably about ready to test their wings and fly to a tree.

Love of Bird Photography

Female Ruby Throated Hummingbird stopping by the feeder.

Shore bird after a dip in the water

Love of Bird Photography

Oh and my favorite, the White Pelican in flight. Nothing I love more than photographing these beautiful birds as they fly right over top of me. It is very hard to hold the camera in a complete vertical position but so worth the efforts. 🙂

Love of Bird Photography

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

Part of the Farm

Part of the Farm

Part of the Farm – My niece not only has horses, pigs are a part of the farm during the summer months. Her two children and their cousins show pigs, sheep and rabbits at their local fair. Which we are going to this year.

It is a great way for children to learn how to take care of animals and the importance of feeding and grooming them, even pigs. I don’t know much about pigs, but it is fun to watch the children work with them and take care of them.

They are a very curious animal, I was standing at their fence trying to get a photo and this one kept wanting to get close, looking for more food I reckon.

Part of the Farm

Part of the Farm