Rocky Shoreline and Rainbow

Rocky Shoreline and Rainbow

Rocky Shoreline and Rainbow, I was photographing the sunrise on this day facing east and when I turned around to look at what was behind me I found a different kind of light. It was an off white hue and I actually did not even see the rainbow until I looked at the photo later.

I love that about photography, the little surprises you see in your own photos.

Rocky Shoreline and Rainbow
Rocky Shoreline and Rainbow

Rocky Shoreline and Rainbow

by Sandra J

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9 Replies to “Rocky Shoreline and Rainbow”

  1. Wonderful advice to always look back as you never know what is really happening unless you spend the time to take it all in, Same with looking forward, I’ll watch a photographer with the camera to his/her eye the entire time they are at a scenic spot, never once taking the time to put the camera down and see the true panorama and get a different perspective to influence their image choices. Definitely with you on the pleasure of seeing a secret gem in a shot – that beautiful rainbow would have escaped me without your nudging.

  2. It took me a couple of minutes, before spotting the rainbow, so I can see how you didn’t spot it, until looking back.

  3. So very special. It is always good to look behind. 🤣 I can’t see the rainbow but that is probably my eyes and this device. May we all have a rainbow of promise today.

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