34 Replies to “Relaxing Blue”

  1. Lovely! It’s funny to see a silent Blue Jay. Here in Upstate New York they are a very loud part of our day, constantly fighting with squirrels or shouting in the treetops. We have a yard with a lot of tall trees and they enjoy being the tough guys in town.

    1. Yes, they are very vocal but so pretty. When you said New York, it reminded me of a video I watched of a person who makes footage of walking around the city. I commented that I could here some birds in the video with all the other city noises. He mentioned he did not even notice the birds singing. He tunes it out because of always hearing city noises.

  2. WOW. These are great! I love all the blue, especially with a winter backdrop. Such vibrant colors which you have captured well. Thanks Sandra

  3. 🦚🦚🦚


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