On Top of Highland Peak

On Top of Highland Peak

On Top of Highland Peak, this was a long drive to the top of this mountain here in Nevada, narrow roads and luckily we never met another car coming from the other direction. There were a few places with snow up here, extremely windy at the top.

On Top of Highland Peak

There is a short video below showing where I got out of the jeep and walked towards the towers there. Until I saw the signs stating warning, the warning was for high radiation. So I immediately said lets go.

On Top of Highland Peak

This was the highest mountain we traveled on during the adventure out west. So if you want to travel to the top of Highland peak, well now you can see what is up there just incase you change your mind. The view was spectacular though.

On Top of Highland Peak

Sandra J

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19 Replies to “On Top of Highland Peak”

      1. I believe it – I only drove in the mountains once, Great Smoky Mountains in North Carolina and some hairpin turns … I was happy to be down at ground level again. πŸ™‚

  1. Looks beautiful. So sad those towers emitting radiation, though better on top of a mountain, instead of near school yards, or hospitals, which are all around here in the UK .
    Loved the photos and sharing your adventure.

  2. Far Out, I mean, Far Up. Thanks Sandra. Too bad about the radiation but at least there was a warning. At 10,000 feet. No warnings down in people territory. There should be but that would be inconvenient. Thanks also for the photos and video. Glad y’all took advantage of the opportunity and had that one-time adventure in part to share with your readers.

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