Older Snow Photos

Older Snow Photos

Older Snow Photos – my niece wanted some snow photo to print for herself. I had to dig into the archives to find some for her.

This first one is Lake Superior a few years ago, I think 5 years ago. Almost completely froze over. That doesn’t happen to often.

Older Snow Photos

Road trip we took 3 years ago heading to Montana to visit my brother. I like this shot because the road looks like a dead end at the base of the mountain.

Older Snow Photos

Sandra J’s Adventures Outdoors

Real Christianity the Great Awakening

By RJ Dawson

Sandra J’s Photography

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4 Replies to “Older Snow Photos”

  1. So far our big snow storm has not materialized, but it is on the way, but that pesky freezing rain has once again made the front of the house a slick mess. Snow can be beautiful, if we didn’t have to deal with the aftermath of it, just admire it a little.

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