Not Going to Make It

Not Going to Make It

Not Going to Make It – you never want to see a dog trip at a contest. But it is inevitable, they run so fast.

Not Going to Make It
Not Going to Make It

Sometimes they get messed up and have to jump over the jump twice, going the other way.

Not Going to Make It

Not Going to Make It

Sandra J’s Adventures Outdoors

Real Christianity the Great Awakening

By RJ Dawson

Sandra J’s Photography

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7 Replies to “Not Going to Make It”

  1. Great doggie pics! I’ve often watched the pups on TV and am impressed by the way they navigate the course. It must be cool to see them in person. I’m sure this miscue didn’t register with the dog since they don’t appear to notice such and are just glad to be out there.

    1. Yes, me to RJ. It is quite amazing to watch these dogs in person. Lots of training to get to run a course like this. Mostly done with hand signals and some use words. It is very impressive.

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