Northern Lights in Iowa

Northern Lights in Iowa

Northern Lights in Iowa – Is this Heaven? No, this is Iowa.

That phrase is from the movie Field of Dreams. I have been very busy lately visiting family in Iowa on our way back north. The one thing I was not expecting this trip was to see Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights in Iowa. People all over the country witnessed this sighting all the way down to Alabama.

I almost missed seeing them entirely. Just so happened my little dog had to go outside at 3 am. I took her out and looked up and saw that the northern lights were still visible, as I had gone to sleep early and missed them when everyone else was out looking at them.

Northern Lights in Iowa

Actually at 3 am, they were not very colorful at all, but I went back in and decided to get my camera out and set it up outside. It is mesmerizing to say the least, to witness this event.

About an hour later, all of a sudden, the colors started to show up and they were lighting up the night sky. Shooting stars along with dancing lights.

I stood in the middle of this country road, no traffic and only the sound of coyotes howling in the distance.

These photos are straight out of the camera, I could see the pinks and greens with the naked eye. But a camera set with a long shutter speed will pick up even more of the colors. I was using 3 to 5 second shutter speed. ISO 4000, f2.8, and a wide angle lens.

Northern Lights in Iowa
Northern Lights in Iowa

Northern Lights in Iowa

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra

43 Replies to “Northern Lights in Iowa”

  1. It was overcast here, plus there’s too much light pollution. There were traffic jams on Sat from people driving out to the desert to try and see them.

    I heard advicethat cameras would capture more colors than visible by eye.

    Your pics are great. I’m completely envious!!

    1. Yes, I was lucky enough to be out in the country, not many people out there. Plus early morning seemed to be peak for the color.

  2. wowsers! such beauty.


      1. Yes! Same here. I’ve had a few failed attempts over the years when the space weather was favourable but the local weather never saw fit to cooperate! So finally getting to see them on Friday was a real treat.

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