New Visitor the Black Bear
New Visitor the Black Bear – every couple of years I might get to see a black bear as it wanders through my yard. Last month this small black bear stopped for a visit.
I woke up to my bird feeding pole bent over to the ground which tells me a bear is in the yard. So I take down my bird feeders and put them away as I know he will keep coming back looking for food. Once I put the feeders away, he came back a couple days checking things out and now I have not seen him for a few weeks.
I put a trail camera out so I can monitor it as to what activity is going on at night while I am sleeping. He hasn’t been on the trail cam for a while now.
He sat down near my bird bath and just looked around for awhile. It was hot on this day and he wasn’t moving very fast. By the way, I am just guessing a he, I don’t really know for sure.

New Visitor the Black Bear
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
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37 Replies to “New Visitor the Black Bear”
A huge visitor. Amazing for me to see. Travelling we saw road signs saying they were around but we never saw one.
Yes, they normally like to stay in the forest, especially if it is hot out. I don’t see them that often.
I would be terrified to know there was a bear in my yard, but this one has the sweetest face! Great photo, Sandra.
Yes, they can be very dangerous animals and we are always looking out for them and wolves. We have to co exist with them and we don’t leave any food around our place just to ensure that they keep on moving along..
A little too close for comfort even if it posed so nicely for you. I especially like the middle photo. You were smart to take the bird feeders away Sandra. Since its tongue was hanging out, do you think it was hot and looking for a cool drink – yes, the birdbath was perfect for that, or just had its mouth open?
Yes, it was breathing heavy from the heat and there was some food on the ground that he was licking.
OK, I wondered why – well, all that fur and all that heat is understandable.
Have you given him/her a name? Or designed a “welcome” sign – or “go away, no bear food here -sorry”
I was calling him Junior because he is kind of small. 😊
A new guest in your backyard who is hungry and looking for refreshment.
Yes, if there was a pool he would probably jump right in. 😊
Never having lived in a bear country, I wonder if you get concerned/scared about the presence of bears, or not?
I am always aware and always look around our surroundings when I am out and about. Even just doing yard work and such. We also have wolves in the area. So yes, one has to be prepared living in an area like this and to remember they can be dangerous animals.
We have nothing to be wary of, apart from wild boar in the south of the country, and then only if their young are threatened.
I have never seen a wild boar, but I hear they are a pest with digging and such.
He looks like he might come back again, and again.
They usually come back 4 or 5 days to see if there is any food and then they just move on. Maybe next year I will see them again.
He was posing for you.
Yes, it was in the 90s that day and he wasn’t moving to fast.
Sandra, my heart leaps when I see a black bear! I live in their habitat in Northwestern Connecticut and I’m thrilled to be among them. Learned a lot through the years about how to respect them so we can be safely twenty feet or so apart. They do amble through, not especially interested in us humans except for our food. I’d be honored if you peek at my post: https://lisabernard.wordpress.com/2023/08/03/welcome-august-2023-our-blueberries-black-bears-are-back/
Wonderful Lisa, so glad to meet another person who understands the importance of sharing nature with the animals. I am also so excited to see these beautiful animals when I can. Knowing that I will take some photos, watch them in their natural state but also make sure I don’t have food around for them. It is for their safety and mine. I will defiantly look at your blog on these animals as well. 😊
He was just looking for a pic-a-nic basket.
Yes, he would love a pic a nic basket I am sure. 😊
Thank you very much Francine 😊😊
Amazing that a bear was in your back yard! We sometimes get deer in the yard, but I’d be stunned if I saw a bear out there.
Thank you Dave. Yes, I live in an area surrounded by forest so I usually see one or two in the spring as they are out searching for food. I do get a lot of deer as well.
I’m not sure I want a black bear in my garden.
Yes, you definitely do not want them sticking around for to long.
That’s one visitor I’m happy not to have!
Yes, they can be very dangerous. I put all bird feeders away when I know they are in the neighborhood.
cool ursine portraiture! 🐻📷
Thank you very much 😊
🤎 🐻
Thank you 😊😊
Thank you 😊😊