Nesting Herons

Nesting Herons

Nesting Herons – We have found a location where a few Blue Herons are in the process of building nest. It is such a treat to get to see these beautiful birds so close. They swoop down right by me as they are looking for sticks to pick up and take to the tops of the trees as they build their nest.

Fun to watch, one takes the stick up to their mate, hands it to the one in the nest as he or she places where it needs to go.

Nesting Herons
Nesting Herons

Nesting Herons

Sandra J’s Adventures Outdoors

Real Christianity the Great Awakening

By RJ Dawson

Sandra J’s Photography

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11 Replies to “Nesting Herons”

  1. Nicely done. Hard for me to remember these large birds still nest in trees. They always look a bit out of place to me, but a welcome surprise when I find one.

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