Navy Flying High

Navy Flying High

Navy Flying High, even the Navy is out training in these super fast planes. These guys go so fast, you can defiantly hear them before you see them.

Navy Flying High

This pretty plane just coming in for a landing.

I have never been in a plane this small, it looks kind of cramped in there.

I had an interesting job as a child that involved this air plane called an Air Tractor. My uncle flew a plane similar to this and I was the flag person for him. He would give me the coordinates of the field he was going to spray fertilizer on and I would have to hurry up and drive there before he got there.

Then I would have to just stand there as a marker for him, after he flew by I would have to step off the length of his air craft so he could use me as a marker on the next pass. He was quite the pilot.

Now they invented a flag that falls out of the end of the wing, so my job was eliminated. I sure enjoyed it back then.

Navy Flying High

Sandra J

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19 Replies to “Navy Flying High”

  1. Now that is an interesting job! Probably not good being that close to the spray, but I always wondered how they kept their paths lined up – I do know that farmers use a foam that comes out the end of their sprayers during fertilizing to keep them aligned.

    1. Yep, that wad the best summer job. My uncle dropped the fertilizer pellets most of the time instead of the spray. So I wore a hat and sometimes would duck when he flew over me, not sure why I ducked. 😅, wish I had a camera back then.

  2. I was driving on a remote highway in northern minnesota when a crop duster flew over the top of me from behind and lit on the highway. He pulled into a gravel toad where someone had fuel ready for the plane. I saw another car on the road 30 miles later.
    I think he enjoyed scaring me. It was suspiciously like the yellow one in Your pictures

    1. I would believe that Gary, they can land just about anywhere and take off from there. They are like acrobatics up there. 🙂

  3. Having an uncle that is a pilot and never flown a small plane… ?? I would have begged him to fly with him Sandra ! Flying in a small airplane give you much more the sense of being in the air than in a big jetliner. I had the chance to go up in a glider for several times…. great experiences !

  4. Since we live in an agricultural area, there are lots of crop dusters around. We never get tired of watching the pilots do their job while putting on aerial acrobatics shows for us. Great photos, Sandra!

    1. I know Gerry, he tried not to get me. Back then it was hard pebbles he dropped not spray. So the most I had to do was shake some out of my shoes when I would get home. The rest bounced off.

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