Lots of Containers

Lots of Containers

Lots of Containers, they make for a cool looking photo up close. That would make a great puzzle to put together.

We did a day trip to Tybee Island and on the way back I saw this container ship traveling back the way we came. So I checked the map and found a place we could drive right up to the waters edge and made it there just as the ship was about to pass by.

Lots of Containers
Lots of Containers
Lots of Containers

Lots of Containers

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

26 Replies to “Lots of Containers”

  1. Pretty amazing that they are stacked like that, yet don’t appear to be tethered so that if they hit foul weather, the boat may list to one side – they have to weighting tons and tons.

      1. Yes, it is. Remember the container ship that got stuck in the Suez Canal a few years ago? It was one of the biggest container ships in the world. Imagine if it had tipped and all the goods sank!

  2. Good to see the supply chain moving along. I can’t imagine the dollar figure that would be placed on all the goods those containers are holding.

  3. I’m next to the Ports of LA and Long Beach. Watching the changes is stacks of containers, on the ground/trains/ships, is fascinating too me. So is watching them being loaded/unloaded.

    1. There’s a new brand with pink containers (and I think a name like “HER”). I started seeing them this year and I love them!

  4. sure is a heckuva load of containers


  5. So many containers ….

    Do we really need all the stuff inside those containers?

    You pictures ands blogpost show how much is transported by containers on boats.

    Kind regards,

    1. I think the same thing Rob, and then my mind wanders to where does all that stuff go when people are tired of it. It goes into the earth as garbage.

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