Little Known Fact

Little Known Fact

Little Known Fact about the Blue Jays, or maybe others do know this about this colorful bird.

They work together when danger is close by. I have heard others say that blue jays are a pest. Mainly because they kind of hog the bird feeders. Well, they do that, yes. I have seen them, but other birds can be pushy as well, like the grackles and morning doves.

Little Known Fact

I saw for the first time a Coopers Hawk hanging around my bird feeders this year. It just doesn’t seem right that a bird will eat another bird. Coopers hawks do just that.

Little Known Fact

We knew when the hawk was in the area because all the blue jays give out warning calls. All of a sudden the hawk is flying after one, as the blue jay gets away. All the blue jays start chasing the hawk.

I will have photos of that tomorrow. I was pretty impressed how these blue jays stuck together to try and chase it off. More tomorrow.

Little Known Fact

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

15 Replies to “Little Known Fact”

  1. I did know that Sandra because there is a Coopers Hawk that frequently sits in the tree across the street from me. Last year I saw it and got some photos of it. It sits scoping out all the squirrels and birds and my neighbor started putting out peanuts on his front walk and birdseed in three feeders in the backyard, so the Coopers Hawk thinks it has easy prey with the birds and squirrels. I know a Coopers Hawk got all the squirrels I fed shortly after the pandemic began. So I wish he would stop feeding the birds and squirrels as I see the Jays give warning calls, a loud shriek, never-ending to alert the other Jays (or other birds). One Jay flies around to alert the others – amazing to see and I look forward to your videos. P.S. – At the Park, if one Jay sees me with seeds and peanuts, it starts shrieking to let the others know, then they all start swooping down. Very cool to see/hear that!

  2. I have strong memories of jays squawking at things. I’m having a vague memory of small birds chasing.. mocking birds?.. and attacking their tail feathers. Weird that I haven’t seen that in awhile.

    I look forward to the chase pics!

      1. We usually have a few in my neighborhood. I don’t know whether they’re gone or ai simply haven’t noticed. The parrpts are currently MIA because their favorite palms were trimmed.

  3. Nice shots, just not one of my favorite birds (top five least liked behind the Cowbirds due to their predation of nests). I do like their pretty blue hues though.

  4. Sometimes they will lay an egg in another kind of bird’s nest and then they don’t have to hatch it.
    They do make good posers for your camera.
    Nice, Sandra

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