Iowa Storm This Year

Iowa Storm This Year

Iowa Storm This Year – The day started out normal, the sun was shining. We were in Iowa visiting my sister. I am one that checks the weather often on my phone. There was mention of a storm brewing and heading our way. But that was not until later in the day. So, in the morning, on this day, my sister and I got in the car and headed to the grocery store. Wanting to get some errands done before the rain sets in later in the day. We rounded the corner to turn into the parking lot and my sister stopped and said, ” Well, there is a tornado”. I looked up and was startled to see it right in front of us, about 1 mile away. We sat there for a moment and watched it. I took a quick photo and then it touched down to the ground but did not stay there long. It was moving quite fast eastward. More like a funnel cloud I think they call them. Tornado sirens started and we headed back to her house. I quickly left to go out to the campground where husband and our 2 dogs and cat are to check on the situation and the weather updates.
Iowa Storm This Year
In the photo below, the first camper is ours, with the jeep behind it. The one next to us is my brothers, who came here from Montana to visit while we were there. A nice little family reunion. The weather said the storm was coming straight out of the south, which means it was going to come right at our rv, being my brother is on the north west side of us. Well, as I was watching the weather, I told my brother I think we might move to the other side of him, because there wasn’t any wind breaks on the south side of us. Thinking his trailer might break some of the winds heading our way. They were predicting 60 mile an hour wind gust starting by 5 pm.
Iowa Storm This Year
The clouds are starting to roll, the weather said the winds had changed and would be coming out of the south east. More behind us where there is a line of trees. So, we decided not to move our RV to the other side of my brother. But, 60 mph winds are a lot when you are in an RV, we have been in 40 mph winds and that was scary. I told my husband I am heading into town to go to my sister’s house who has a basement. He said he was going to stay there and my brother was holding out as well. I took our little dog with me and I told him to head over too their house if it gets to bad out. So off I went.
The winds hit right on schedule, all of 60 mph. Husband kept calling and checking in. He was fine. We were all watching out the windows of my sister’s house. The rain is coming down in sheets, the wind keeps changing. Spinning round and round, going east and then west.
Iowa Storm This Year
My husband called, he heard a big crack outside the RV, he looked out the side window and branches were braking off of the trees.
After about an hour, the storm was over. The sun came out, the river was raging and coming out of its banks. I drove back out to the camper to see the damage and check on everyone.
For as long as I can remember, my intuitions have saved me many times. Intuitions or the small voice that has led me through many of hard times to a safer place. I never ignore these voices, I never ignore the nudges that I get, I believe they are from a higher place. I will show you why next.

For as I was saying earlier. We had talked about moving to this spot here, but at the last minute something told me to just stay where we were.

If we would have moved this branch, which was just as heavy as a tree itself, would have fallen right on top of our RV, I can imagine the damage it would have done, not to say what might have happened being my husband was in there as well. Gives me goose bumps looking at the photos to this day.
By later in the day, the owner of the campground had the tree all cleaned up. He had his chainsaw out and one person helping him load all the wood onto it and the spot was level and ready for business again.
Moral of this story, a gut feeling is worth listening to. A gut feeling to me is someone giving you a nudge. It’s a kind of inner voice, a nudge that seems to guide us towards a decision or away from danger. Have a great weekend. 🙂 Iowa Storm This Year Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts By Sandra J

29 Replies to “Iowa Storm This Year”

  1. In the Midwest, we are quite familiar with those turbulent funnels. Glad you didn’t move the RV and smart of you to take safety in the basement…need to nudge your husband to go with you next time, there is NOTHING more important in that RV worth the risk. I saw the damage from one of the RV parks we have stayed at a few times that got hit by Beryl – not good. Glad to hear everyone is okay.

    1. I know, husband always thinks the news over exaggerates the weather and wants to stay put. Not me, rv are not safe even in high winds.

      1. We escaped a camping tornado once, actually twice. When we returned to the campground after seeking shelter, all that was left standing, or not tipped over, was our small pup tent.

          1. It was very low to the ground and small and double staked. We didn’t expect to see it again.

  2. Thank you Sandra. What a riveting post. I’m glad y’all are safe and all turned out well. Good job on listening to the Lord’s voice. I’m sure you were praying. This was also a good family experience each of you will have to talk about for many years. I had a serious tornado experience once and it also directly involved the Lord’s protection. May we all pay attention as you do. Blessings and have a great weekend

    1. Thank you very much RJ, He is always giving us little nudges, I have learned to listen to them carefully. A wonderful weekend for you also RJ.

  3. You were blessed that day Sandra and yes, sometimes you are guided to do something that appears to go against the grain. The big trees around here are what worry me most in potential severe weather. I am grateful that huge dead tree is gone after it downed wires twice. We are supposed to have some severe weather this afternoon/early evening, although, after looking a several weather sites, I’m not really sure. The handyman was here today and did some cement work – I said “no, I don’t want it done – severe weather, with torrential rain and hail are predicted” … he said “nope, radar says no rain for you all day” … so we shall see. I am a weather worrier.

    1. Thank you Don, it was quite the storm. Seems like tornado sirens go off a lot in Iowa. So glad we did not move the RV. ☺️

  4. I served 22 years in the fire department and have experienced natural disasters, though never a tornado. It’s safe to say that a tornado would be the only natural disaster that would instill fear within me. Glad you’re safe.

    1. That is a long time working a hard job I can imagine. Tornadoes are very scary, there is just no where to go unless you can go underground. Thank you Thomas.

  5. Oh wow. That would have been scary. I have no experience of tornados or being in an RV. But I would have chosen the house with a basement than the RV when a tornado is expected.
    I’m glad everyone was ok. I bet that was the longest hour.

    1. Thank you Liz, yes a very long hour. As the storm got closer, the thought of staying in the rv definitely made me nervous.

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