Ice Forming on Lake Superior

Ice Forming on Lake Superior

Ice Forming on Lake Superior, I love going to Lake Superior, everyday you will see something different. This first photo is Lake Superior in the Summer, you can see there is a nice little beach for walking along the shore line.

This photo below is the same beach, taken in December 2020. I was standing almost in the same spot. Notice the rocks on the right, the beach is a lot more narrow now and ice is beginning to form. It was very slippery.

Ice Forming on Lake Superior

This photo was taken last month, same spot and the rocks on the right. But now it is all ice all the way out to the left of the photo. There were footprints going out over the ice and I was tempted to walk out there. But I decided not to. That is some powerful water running underneath that ice.

Ice Forming on Lake Superior

It is tuff to get a good photo when the sky is gray and all the snow. This one shows a little bit more of how far the ice goes out from the shore line. The rocks are still on the right side of the photo.

This one is just looking straight out across Lake Superior with ice formations way out there. Quite the site seeing all this water and ice slowly closing in on you.

Sand frozen in the Ice, walking on the beach is a little slippery this time of year.

Have a Great Weekend

Ice Forming on Lake Superior

by Sandra J

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62 Replies to “Ice Forming on Lake Superior”

  1. The ice there is pretty incredible and I like how you captured it from afar as well as on the beach. I have always thought the pictures of the blue ice at the Big Mac bridge are amazing. I saw some photos of Coast Guard ice cutters trying to get rid of ice in Algonac, just plowing through the ice – quite the sight to see in person I’d imagine as it was impressive in the photos.

    1. Thank you Lisa, the ice looks really thick right there, but I imagine the water is still moving pretty good under the ice. It just keep building out from the beach. πŸ™‚

  2. Very interesting study with the images taken from the same place, Sandra, and beautiful! Ice is so fascinating and I’d say you were smart to stay off it. Could you here it creaking?

    1. Thank you Ellen. The ice was very jagged in places also. I did not hear it cracking this time. But it is really cold this week so I hope to get up there again and see how much it has changed.😊

  3. I wouldn’t have gone out there either. To quote Gordon Lightfoot, “The lake it is said never gives up her dead when the gales of November come early.” (I hope I remembered that right!)

    1. Yes, I know that song well. One never knows if that ice will crack and move. It is amazing to see how far out it goes. Thank you Mary.

      1. Imagine that the Lord will give each of His children his or her own pristine planet with perfect isolated beaches to walk and much to explore. It could be you are giving us a taste of such through your excellent work and travels.

        1. What a wonderful thought, I like that. He has been leading me to these places a lot lately. I will be thinking of that every day. Thank you for that RJ. 😊

  4. It is super cold here in northern Mn. So cold and so frozen they are building cities on the lakes. Not sure I will even get use to this could but its made me even more grateful for a warm snub place to sit by a window and watch the snow fall and birds eat from the birdfeeder. Cold does have its own beauty as you so demonstrate with your lovely pictures.

  5. Always a sure sign of winter. Pretty, but it’s cold. In New England I knew we had reached the depth of winter when we had the shore frozen like that. Our shore was the Atlantic, salt water, but doesn’t matter. Cold freezes water. Of course I took photos of it out and about back then πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Pretty.

    1. Isn’t it something when you see that much ice forming. We are having negative numbers up here this week. So I am sure more of the lake will be freezing. I will be up there to take more photos.😊

        1. I heard that, the cold broke free from the north and and swooping down everywhere. It will last all next week here. But no more snow, we got 12 inches of snow yesterday and last night.

  6. Lovely pictures. You have some serious cold up your way. I lived in Newport, Rhode Island and occasionally we would get skim ice on Narragansett Bay.

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