34 Replies to “I Can’t Decide”

  1. These are beautiful photos of the four seasons Sandra … I like to think of them as separate and distinct seasons too. Mother Nature lately has too many tricks up her sleeve and is mixing and mingling her seasons. πŸ™‚ We had 56 degrees when I left the house this morning!

  2. Oh I definitely agree! These are such lovely photos, Sandra, I can really feel each season. Because I can’t decide either, there’s a jigsaw puzzle waiting for me which depicts all four. πŸ™‚

        1. That I can promise Mr.Ohh, it is what I do and I enjoy taking photos of the world around us and sharing them with you and who ever comes along to see them. 😊

  3. I love each of your photos, Sandra so you could say that I love each season but in reality I hate snow and frost on the roads. For me, winter is magnificent in photos. πŸ˜‰

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