Goats Lots of Goats

Goats Lots of Goats

Goats Lots of Goats, we discovered this canyon on a drive we took one day. We parked the jeep at the top of the canyon and as we walked closer to the edge to see the view, we could hear faint noises coming up from the canyon floor. At first, I did not recognize what the noise was.

Then we looked over the edge and here we saw dozens of goats all along the canyon. Not just on the bottom, they were all over the sides of the canyon as well. In yesterday’s post, I showed you a photo of this canyon half full of water. Now the goats run all over this area, I am not sure what they are eating, there sure wasn’t much for vegetation.

Goats Lots of Goats

We drove down to the bottom of the canyon over on the right side of this photo below. The goats were all over on the left side of the river. So, some of my photos were a little blurry. The goats were very far away from my 400 mm lens.

They did look healthy and pregnant for some of them. So, they learned to adapt to this environment and find food. It was fun to hear all the baby goats singing away, as their voices echoed in the canyon.

Goats Lots of Goats
Goats Lots of Goats

Goats Lots of Goats

Sandra J

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31 Replies to “Goats Lots of Goats”

  1. Imagine seeing all these goats at one time – amazing to see and to hear as well. Baby goats are so cute. A fellow blogger lives in the country in Arkansas and her neighbors have goats and she has posted pictures of them – such cutie pies. At Heritage Park they have a petting farm with lots of goats. A whole lot of bleating going on at one time – maybe they don’t like us humans gawking at them or they are crying for their supper?

    1. Yes, there calling echoed in the canyon, it was so fun to hear, and the baby goats calling was so cute.

      1. I can imagine their little voices. There were some videos that went around a few years ago about goats screaming. They get very loud and communicate with one another by making a screaming noise. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Yes, we just happened to come across these while out for a drive. Did not know this canyon was so close to our campsite. There is a video on my you tube for it as well.

    1. Yes, we stopped at a rest area while out for a drive, it looked down into the canyon over Pecos river and was so surprised to see dozens of them everywhere. They were eating at the bottom, all over the sides of the canyon. Even on top, it wad quite the sight.

    1. They are Greg, they were so much fun to see wondering all over these cliffs with no problems. ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. It’s becoming trendy around here for park districts to hire herds of goats to graze open space areas once a year, as opposed to cutting the weeds with traditional equipment. The park district where I live has done that for a few years, and the university that inspired my writing has started doing that too.

  2. That is a lot of Goats Sandra, and they are amazing survivors also. We saw many wild escaped goats in the desert areas in our own country when recently out west, and we had to be careful when they crossed the road in from of your car. The ones you featured have a lovely mix of colour.

    1. This is my first time seeing this many goats plus seeing them walk around these cliffs with no problems is quite something. Amazing that they are finding food to eat there.

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