Go Pro Photos

Go Pro Photos

Go Pro Photos. I was experimenting with the go pro camera at my bird feeding table last week. I normally just use the camera for videos. But I thought I would try the photo menus and see what happens.

It is not bad if the subject isn’t moving to much. Mainly because you can not control the shutter speed when you have the camera running on auto.

Go Pro Photos

There is a little blur with wing movement, which I knew would happen. A fun little experiment though.

Go Pro Photos
Go Pro Photos

 Birds on a Table Video Link Here

Watch this video on YouTube.
Sandra J's Photography

Go Pro Photos

Have a great weekend.

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

16 Replies to “Go Pro Photos”

  1. These are great shots Sandra – I like that third shot where the Blue Jays are studying the seeds on the table. They are such beautiful birds. The video was enjoyable – the Starlings messing with the Blue Jays surprised me. You’d think they’d see that lethal-looking Jay’s beak and think twice. I have a bag of corn I should mix with my sunflower seeds. I intended to use it in two places, neither which I got to due to construction of one venue and some unrest due to the war in another venue. I know that the critters and birds at Council Point Park will enjoy it.

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