Fly Over

Fly Over

Fly Over by a Blue Heron, I finally got the shot. I have always wanted to get a shot of a heron flying directly above me, but normally they keep their distance from people.

Truly an amazing wingspan.

Fly Over

I have gotten the white pelican fly over. So I have two on my list. 🙂

Fly Over

Fly Over

Sandra J’s Adventures Outdoors

Real Christianity the Great Awakening

By RJ Dawson

Sandra J’s Photography

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4 Replies to “Fly Over”

  1. Brilliant photos. Beautifully captured. That must have been an exciting moment when you caught these on camera like this.

    1. AWESOME shot!!

      There are several roads around here where it’s not uncommon to have pelicans fly directly overhead, which I consider to be good luck!

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