Eastern Towhee Bird

Eastern Towhee Bird

Eastern Towhee Bird – this bird was fun to see here in the mid west. I have only seen one of these before and it was out west in Texas. So to see one in Missouri was so fun.

I only saw the one and it was staying put on this log as I looked out the door of the RV, so I quick went and got my camera and opened the door slowly and took the photo.

Eastern Towhee Bird

This one below is the one I photographed in Texas.

Eastern Towhee Bird

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

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12 Replies to “Eastern Towhee Bird”

  1. What a beautiful bird. I am seeing a few of these in the Facebook group of Metropark Photographers. I’ve never seen one of these birds either as most of the photographers are seeing them at Kensington Metropark, not near me.

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