Drone Photography

Drone Photography

Drone Photography, Autumn is the best time of year to get the drone up and flying. My husband does all the drone photos and it is a wonderful way to see all the trees turning color.

We only use the drone for landscape photography in designated areas. It provides for a wonderful view from above. Looking down on the world that was created for us.

Drone Photography
Drone Photography

Tree tops – Autumn Colors Short Video below. You have to visit the site to see this video, they don’t play on reader. I will add the link here, but sometimes that doesn’t work either. Or you can come on over to my You Tube channel and see all my videos over there. πŸ™‚

Welcome to Autumn 2023.  #photography #shorts
Watch this video on YouTube.
Sandra J's Photography

Drone Photography

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

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62 Replies to “Drone Photography”

  1. When I get back from my travels I am definitely going to look into investing in a drone as it just shows a whole different perspective you wouldn’t normally see!

  2. You and your husband make a wonderful team, Sandra. The drone shots are amazing! The video is stunning. My only complaint is that it wasn’t long enough. I could watch that beautiful scenery for hours.

    1. Thank you very much Kellye, we do enjoy being out in nature together and working together with photography. There is so much to see and many adventures to go on, so much more fun when doing it with someone who loves it as much as I do. 😊

  3. Eek. It did convert it. sigh

    Just put links in the brackets [youtube…link]

    If a video is a “short”, you don’t even need the brackets. Easy to know the difference. Short videos have the word “short” in the link.

    Am I making sense?

    1. It works, I will see what I am doing wrong. I normally just use the you tube wizard with Word press and it leaves that long link in reader instead.

        1. yes, there are two You Tube addons in the block editor column. You tube wizzard and just You Tube, I should try the other one and see what happens.

          1. Yikes. The block editor. I have done everything I could to avoid that nightmare. And, that explains a lot. I will fight, tooth & nail to keep my Classic Editor.

    1. Thank you Marland, yes I always dreamt that I could fly when I was younger and this makes it feel like we are without having to be in a plane. πŸ™‚

      1. I did have the privilege! I flew a two seated plane in Canada for 440 hours. I remember looking out my side window once, and seeing an eagle flying beside me!!!

  4. Neat to see an aerial view of the trees, especially since some leaves are still green while others have changed to autumnal colors. A beautiful tapestry πŸ™‚

    1. One can see so much more color from up there, the colors have more of a pastel look this year. Thank you Dave. 😊

  5. These are great Sandra. Thank you. Your husband does an excellent job of showing scenes of nature most never see. I especially like the rapids/waterfall photo which looks quite different from that perspective. (I also enjoyed your bumblebee pics on the preceding post.) Blessings

    1. Thank you very much RJ, I find it just as interesting to see photos from the drone. I often dreamt I could fly when I wad younger. This just brings those dreams to life.

  6. So wonderful to see these colors changing from up in the air. Thanks for sharing Sandra.
    Have a nice day and many greets.

        1. Thank you Liz, I do enjoy making them. A way for me to show nature in another format, adding to photography. I find videos can actually bring my photos to life and it is just fun making them. It is a fun hobby for me. Have a wonderful day Liz πŸ™‚

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