Draft Horse in Harness

Draft Horse in Harness

Draft Horse in Harness, we were at a small town parade the other day. My favorite part is always the horses. I took a photo of this beautiful team of Belgian horses pulling a wagon and made a couple of paintings. Horses, dogs and cats make for great digital paintings.

Draft Horse in Harness

I had posted the paintings on one of the social media sites and had a couple of inquiries asking if I do commission work. Well, I looked at my husband and said, ” What a great idea”. So I started a new web page where I can paint other folks photos. I do enjoy it and find it quite fun to make them.

If you are interested, you can visit my web site; Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts , I am still working on adding photos to that site. It is always a work in progress creating a web page.

Draft Horse in Harness

This photo below has a special meaning for me. We were camped next to a home and in their yard they had this beautiful older dog, shown below in this print, who enjoyed laying out in the sunshine. So I took the pups photo one day and made a painting of it. I was able to send the photo to the owners to their phone. Just to share it with them.

The other day, their neighbor contacted me and told me this dog had just passed away. I am happy that I made this print and was able to share it with them when I did.

Draft Horse in Harness

Sandra J

22 Replies to “Draft Horse in Harness”

  1. Sandra, the picture of the Lab is beautiful. I would say the Lord put you in that campsite for a special purpose. What a blessed gift you gave the owners and one they will cherish with their memories of their loyal Lab.

    1. You are right Beth, I was so glad I was able to do that. It was the only day I saw him outdoors as the sun was shinning and he was laying there enjoying the warmth from it.

    1. Thank you Kellye, yes I do enjoy making the paintings. Something fun to do when I can’t get out and take photos because of bad weather and such 🙂 have a great day.

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