Diving Head First

Diving Head First

Diving Head First into a New Adventure this weekend. It is my birthday weekend, I am turning the big 60 years old. A year ago I picked where I wanted to be on my 60th birthday and these photos will give you a little hint. . But this adventure does not end with just a weekend. 60 is the new 30, we are never to old to make our dreams come true, faith and trust.

Of course a lot has happened over this past year and I never write my plans in stone. One never knows if tomorrow will come, I take one day at a time and enjoy it to the fullest.

So I am going to say; Have a wonderful weekend a little early today.

Diving Head First
Diving Head First
two brown pelicans
two white egrets

Diving Head First

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62 Replies to “Diving Head First”

  1. Happy birthday Sandra and very few people can say they picked where they want to be at a particular stage in their life, let along during a pandemic year. You are lucky and blessed to be at the peak of happiness and we are all envious. Birthday blessings to you!

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    14:Cerabovascular disease

    15:Heart disease

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