Corp of Engineer Campgrounds

Corp of Engineer Campgrounds

Corp of Engineer Campgrounds – As we left the south a few weeks ago, we decided to start exploring some new areas again on our travels. Sometimes one gets comfortable staying in a routine, the familiarity of it makes things simple and faster.

Especially when it comes to traveling. Finding new campgrounds can be a challenge, but if I plan far enough ahead, it usually results in finding new beautiful places that we have driven by so many times but never stopped because of the routine.

So Columbus Mississippi is our first stop off the beaten path. When you turn 62, you can get the Federal recreation pass that gives discounts on campgrounds, getting in free and discounts on overnight camping.

Corp of Engineer Campgrounds

The Corp of Engineer campground are included with this pass. They have great recreational parks, with lots of room, similar to state parks.

While we often hear about the COE campgrounds, the Corps of Engineers has a much broader mission other than just providing beautiful camping spaces. The Corp’s true mission is “to deliver vital public and military engineering services; partnering in peace and war to strengthen our nation’s security, energize the economy and reduce risks from disasters.”

So, how did the Corps get into the business of building campgrounds? The Corps manages land along a number of lakes and rivers, as part of the mission to operate dams. This land is protected from private development. Luckily, the Corps opted to make it possible for our nation to use these prime landscapes for recreation.

Columbus MS is a very historic area, we love to explore places like this. The history of the people who have gone before us, living during times that are so different than today. These small towns have some wonderful folks who love to share this history, many museums with volunteers who take the time to teach anyone who wants to hear about the past.

Corp of Engineer Campgrounds

Corp of Engineer Campgrounds

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

3 Replies to “Corp of Engineer Campgrounds”

  1. That’s a very nice campground Sandra. I did not know exactly what the this organization did, though I have heard about them coming to the aid in natural disasters.

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