Cloudcroft Snow
Cloudcroft Snow,
Cloudcroft, New Mexico gets 30 inches of rain, on average, per year. The US average is 38 inches of rain per year.
Cloudcroft averages 69 inches of snow per year. The US average is 28 inches of snow per year.
On average, there are 289 sunny days per year in Cloudcroft. The US average is 205 sunny days.
Cloudcroft gets some kind of precipitation, on average, 98 days per year. Precipitation is rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to the ground. In order for precipitation to be counted you have to get at least .01 inches on the ground to measure.
Cloudcroft Snow
25 Replies to “Cloudcroft Snow”
Snow sounds good about now ha!
I am thinking that as well. We are headed south again when the weather starts to change. We are heading to Georgia first, my husband’s son is coming home to be stationed there from Italy. It will be so good to see him again.
bonjour bonsoir chers frère et sœur comment vous allez je me présente tout simplement Fofana Mohamed je suis camerounaise mais actuellement je suis en Côte d’Ivoire je passe ici ce matin sur votre canal pour faire une belle témoignage d’un grand maître spirituel du Bénin normé Majesté maître baba-éwé voici son numéro Wattsapp +229 91992227 il m’a fait revenir mon être aimé en une journée il m’a dit d’envoyer la photo son nom et prénom avec l’argent des ingrédients et quand je lui ai envoyé il a fait le travail le lendemain mon être aimé qu’il m’avait laissé hier des années c’est lui-même il m’a débloqué il m’a envoyé un message il a demandé qu’il veut me voir c ‘est vraiment incroyable il disponible pour tous vos problèmes de retour d’affection de chance de travail de richesse peu importe votre domaine professionnel pour plus d’explications veuillez le contacter sur WhatsApp :+229 91992227
Beautiful pictures Sandra. I could maybe learn to like snow after seeing these pictures. 🙂 My friend and his wife lived here in Michigan and researched the part of the country with the most sunny days per year and came up with Las Cruces, New Mexico – that is where he retired, so your facts match up with what he told me – they are 81 miles apart.
Nice, the sunshine makes all the difference.
Thank you Marland. 😊
Love the looking up at the trees shot
Thank you 😊
Its so beautiful snow
Thank you Seraja 😊
a special place
It is, 😊
Interesting facts and beautiful photos!
Thank you 😊
I love snow covered landscape beneath blue skies. Lovely photos!
Thank you very much Diana.😊
Great photos.
Thanks, Sandra. Have a wonderful day.
You also Francine, thank you 😊
Snow gives such character to the landscape Sandra, lovely captures.
Thank you very much 😊
That’s a lot of snow but also a lot of sun !
Yes, blue sky and snow is so pretty.