Building the Nest
Building the Nest, that is a big stick for the nest.
Have a great weekend.

Building the Nest
Sandra J’s Adventures Outdoors
Real Christianity the Great Awakening
By RJ Dawson
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15 Replies to “Building the Nest”
That must have been amazing 🤣😎🙃
Beautiful Heron. We have a rookery neer our house 🤣😎🙃
That must be fun to see, having them so close. This area looks like it has 4 nest in the trees. I ha e never been that close before to them building nest. They swoop done right by us.
What some herons will do to impress the ladies, I tell you ha!
I know, I like how the one sits in the nest, the other one brings a stick and she just weaves it in. They did bring big sticks at fist and now I see the sticks are getting smaller. They know how to build.
A very large stick! The Missus will be proud of her hubby! The second photo is a fabulous close-up Sandra!
Thank you Linda 😊
Nice photos
Thank you very much ☺️
Thank you Kim.
Any idea how big their nests are?
I am not sure, it is hard to see the nest itself. Mostly only see their heads sticking up out of the trees.
Thank you Sandra. Great photos. There is something really cool about that first one… Have a great weekend
Thank you RJ, they are hard at work and fly down so close to me sometimes. Amazing to watch this.