Bird Art Tells a Story

Bird Art Tells a Story

Bird Art Tells a Story, As I look at all the photos I take, I am looking for a certain pose when it comes to bird photography. On average one or two photos out of 20 will be good when photographing wildlife, especially if you are using burst on your camera.

When it comes to bird photography, I like to save the shots where the bird is looking away or looking down. Almost as if it is thinking about something or daydreaming.

With Blue Herons, it is easy to get a shot like this because they are normally looking down at the water for food. I love the light in this photo, just enough shadow and light to create a nice piece of art work for me.

Bird Art Tells a Story

If you are a beginner in photography and want to practice photographing birds. Pick birds like the Blue Heron or Egrets and even Pelicans. They are a little slower which gives you plenty of time to practice focusing your camera, even in flight, they are fun birds to photograph.

Bird Art Tells a Story

Have a great weekend.

Bird Art Tells a Story

Sandra J

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25 Replies to “Bird Art Tells a Story”

    1. Thank you very much, I appreciate that. Photography has really helped me to look closer at things and just slow down and enjoy nature even more. Nature is such a beautiful place to be.

    1. Yes, very true. I enjoy seeing them in their natural environment and it takes patience on our part to just sit and watch them to achieve a wonderful photo. 😊

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