18 Replies to “Best Buds”

  1. Thank you Sandra for your beautiful photos. We saw a lot of fawns in our neighborhood this year but I can never get the lovely photos that you share, and I enjoy seeing these creatures. Some battling males made a bit of mess in my front yard the other day, showing off for a female of course. Young males with antlers and they wrecked a few sunflowers but my Dad especially enjoyed the show. Since moving in with us from the big city he loves seeing the animal life. But there’s lots we don’t see also. I noted a small parade of big furry raccoons crossing the street near my home when I came home late on an evening ride after dark. I know bears have been spotted on the fringes of town and the outlying areas. My friend’s motion activated camera got a nice photo of a bobcat in his yard and so I know I am missing a lot of the “action”. I appreciate the time and professional results of all your posts. Best wishes – David

    1. Thank you so much David. You have a love for the wildlife as well. You know I have only seen 2 bucks here over the years. Lots of does and fawns but never a buck hardly. I do enjoy seeing the occasional black bear in the spring. My trail camera picks up a fox and a skunk now and then as well πŸ™‚ have a wonderful day David. πŸ™‚

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