Autumn is Rich With Gold

Autumn is Rich With Gold

Autumn is Rich With Gold colors. Welcome to October, my favorite season is here. Autumn colors, cool crisp air and golden hues surround us.

Flower photography is a fun way to see all these colors up close. This little orange flower grows about 1 foot off of the ground. Sometimes it is just easier to pick the flower to photograph it and make an interesting composition with it, then crawling down on the ground to get a close up shot.

Autumn is Rich With Gold
Autumn is Rich With Gold

Autumn is Rich With Gold

Sandra J

Sandra Jโ€™s Photography & Fine Arts

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26 Replies to “Autumn is Rich With Gold”

  1. Such beautiful and rich tones for Fall Sandra – my favorite color has always been brown, but I like the shades of rust, dark red and gold that are Fall.

  2. Warm golden light from the ripened sun descends on pigmented leaves and last remaining stalks of grain and grass. Beautiful and in Virginia can bits remain through Thanksgiving. (All vanished by the red and green of Christmas)

    1. Beautiful, what a warm sentiment to start our holiday seasons. I love your words. It describes nature perfectly.

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