Antebellum Homes

Antebellum Homes

Antebellum Homes – meaning before a particular war, especially the American Civil War.

Columbus, Mississippi, boasts a rich heritage deeply rooted in the antebellum period, evidenced by its stunning architectural landscape. The city’s antebellum architecture provides a fascinating window into the past, reflecting the grandeur and cultural history of the American South before the Civil War. 

Antebellum Homes

Many of these historic homes have been meticulously restored and are open to the public, offering a glimpse into the past. The annual Columbus Spring Pilgrimage is a notable event where several antebellum homes open their doors to visitors, providing guided tours and insights into the historical and architectural significance of each property.

We happened to be camping near Columbus during the Spring Pilgrimage. We went down town to learn more about that while we were there.

We did not take the tour to go inside any of these homes this time. I will next time we visit. Everyone of these homes on the tour, people live in. But they open there homes up just during this pilgrimage to the public.

I can’t even imaging living in a home this large. The upkeep must be costly for sure. I live in a 400 sq ft cabin and that suits me just fine. But I still love seeing old homes like this. It is fun to imagine the life back then at places like this. Something right out of the history books before us. So fun.

Antebellum Homes
Antebellum Homes

Antebellum Homes

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

16 Replies to “Antebellum Homes”

  1. My sister and her daughter both graduated from the “W”. It was MSCW, Mississippi State College for Women, when I sister went there, getting an undergraduate degree and a masters in speech therapy. My niece went there when it was MUW. But that meant we were there when the people had their houses open. It is quite interesting and beautiful.

    1. Yes, we really enjoyed this town, so much to see. They said they have to change the name of the school, because it can’t be just for woman anymore. They sure had some beautiful churches there as well.

  2. These are beautiful stately homes in this post … the word antebellum is what I was trying to remember with the other post and could not remember it. The homes like those featured in “Gone With the Wind”.

  3. I always enjoy taking in historic homes. The rich architecture and craftwork is amazing and those in this post definitely fit that mold. We try to catch of few of the home during our various trips – hit two on Galveston, Island this year that was really nice.

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