A Few of the Newbies Here

A Few of the Newbies Here

A Few of the Newbies Here, This first photo is some type of moth, its wings look a little tattered, probably from the long flight to get here. Ya know, I hate it when people accuse me of lolly gagging, When I am quite clearly dilly dallying today with my photos. 🙂

A Few of the Newbies Here

My niece posted that phrase and I thought it was funny, I do tend to dilly dally and I like it. 🙂

This one here below actually has the prettiest color blue wings when it is flying. But it moves pretty fast, so I could not get a good shot, but I think its antenna’s look pretty cool.

A Few of the Newbies Here

Red Breasted Grosbeak stopped by for a visit this week.

And of course, the hummingbird is buzzing by me every day now. You can always here them coming towards you before you see them.

A Few of the Newbies Here

by Sandra J

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33 Replies to “A Few of the Newbies Here”

  1. I like the “fur” on the moth’s body – wow, what a close-up you got. Next the moth will be stopping by looking at you for “moth food” – I saw the prettiest butterfly in my garden the other day. I forgot about it until just now. Black with tiny blue spots. No camera as I was working in the yard – gorgeous butterfly just like all these beauties.

      1. I Googled after I wrote this note and it was a Black Swallowtail – it was beautiful, so I hope it comes around again, though no flowers are in bloom right now except I saw three roses (they are shrub roses). I think the heat will make them bloom earlier.

  2. Only humans have the luxury of lolly gagging or dilly dallying…and taking great photos like you do is hardly that! Have a wonderful weekend, Sandra. 🙂

  3. The moth is quite beautiful; such velvety wings. And the hummingbird looks like a piece of jewelry, that shiny it is.

    1. It is so nice to see the moths again and I have seen a couple butterflies also. I sure enjoy spring. 😊 thank you Jo.

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