A Dazzling Jewel

A Dazzling Jewel

A Dazzling Jewel – The male cardinal’s brilliant red plumage is nothing short of breathtaking, resembling a vivid splash of crimson against the soft green foliage backdrop. His striking color radiates with an almost fiery intensity, making him a dazzling jewel amidst the muted tones of his surroundings.

A Dazzling Jewel

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

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16 Replies to “A Dazzling Jewel”

  1. Hi Sandra. Hope all is going well with y’all. I just wanted to drop you a quick note thanking you for being such a good friend. I appreciate your support on my site and I also greatly thank you for placing my site address on your site. I am concerned, though, that you may be losing readers because of it and my content and I certainly don’t want that to happen.

    Regarding rebuilding, sometimes we do all we can without much apparent change but we must always be greatly thankful that the Lord is graciously maintaining us and our lives while we stand in faith as He arranges things. May you and your husband and your family continue to be greatly blessed and filled with the joy of the Lord. Thank you for your work. Beautiful cardinal!

    1. Thank you RJ. We are at another dog agility event for this weekend. I am the photographer again and looking forward to another exciting dog event.
      Don’t worry one bit about your address being on my site. We must spread His word in anyway we can. If I can direct even one person to your site, that is a blessing and a purpose for my site. My site is all about sharing our Fathers creation through photography. He gave me this gift and I use it for Him. Your words and teachings amplify what He wants us to do for Him. Sharing our gifts is the end goal. I am not one who even thinks about likes and followers. Well, only that our Farther likes what I do, 🙂. According to some of the readers, my like button and comment section doesn’t work most of the time. Have a wonderful weekend RJ.

    1. Thank you Ellen, yes that was at a park this spring when the leaves were just coming out. These birds don’t sit still long for sure.

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