A Colorful Surprise

A Colorful Surprise

A Colorful Surprise this year at home. Eastern Bluebirds have decided to use my bird house this year to raise their babies. I have never seen an eastern bluebird up here. Matter of fact I have only seen a couple of them over the years, so I feel that it is a treat to see them at all.

Their beautiful colors of blue and tan and a wonderful song they have as well.

I put two bird houses up to try and attract Purple Martins. Over the last couple of years, the only birds using this house are tree swallows. They are interesting birds because they will put nesting material in every spot so other birds think this home is occupied.

Come to find out, eastern bluebirds do the same thing. There was a slight battle between the bluebirds and tree swallows. But they seem to come to an agreement. Tree swallows took one house and bluebirds took the other.

A Colorful Surprise

This could have been a great shot of the tree swallow in flight, they are super fast birds. Very hard to photograph in flight. This couple had 3 or 4 babies this years. Yesterday they all came out of the house for a fly around the place. I counted 5 or 6 flying around.

A Colorful Surprise

Both birds eat lots of bugs, so they are a wonderful addition to our home this year.

A Colorful Surprise

A Colorful Surprise – Have a great weekend.

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

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17 Replies to “A Colorful Surprise”

  1. Nice shots Sandra! Bluebirds are such pretty birds to have around and as you mentioned, your resident bug zappers. What they miss, the Swallows will certainly gobble up so two great species to have as renters.

  2. Beautiful Bluebird Sandra. I have yet to see one around here. At Lake Erie Metropark, the volunteers built and put up loads of wooden nesting boxes for the Bluebirds and the Tree Swallows took them over.

  3. This is great, Sandra—what I would call an enriching post. I laughed about the birds fighting for their houses and eventually coming to an agreement. It’s cool that the bluebirds moved in for the first time and that you get to enjoy them though the swallows probably don’t agree. I guess that denotes an inner strength for the Eastern Bluebird. Imagine what y’all might be blessed with if you put up another house. Excellent photography. Thanks and have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you RJ, wildlife is so amazing to watch and then to be able to watch them raise a family right in front of you is extraordinary to me. The fawns will be coming out soon with their mothets. That I look forward to every year. Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Wonderful pictures, Sandra. I kept putting up houses hoping to attract bluebirds and all I ever got was sparrows. I put up a house for Purple Martins and I wish I didn’t. Every time anyone got close to it the birds attacked. Could not cut the grass within a hundred feet of the house.

    1. Yes, down south sparrows took over everything. I am thinking purple Martin’s just don’t co.e up this far north. So blue birds it is.

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