Tag: wildlife

Cooper’s Hawk

Cooper’s Hawk

Cooper’s Hawk – here it is. A small hawk, but he can move. He was chasing the blue jays in and out of the trees so fast. It was hard to get a photo of it.

Cooper's Hawk

He would chase one and then it would escape through the trees. It would wait for one to move and at it again.

Cooper's Hawk

The blue jays are just as fast and can zip in and out of the tree branches as well.

Cooper's Hawk

I never did see the hawk catch one bird. I did see the blue jays chase it off many times. But it would come back a few days later and try again.

Nature taking its course. Oh, and when the blue jays are warning everyone around that the hawk is here. All the bird species take cover. The chickadees stay hidden until the coast is clear.

Have a great weekend.

Cooper’s Hawk

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Little Known Fact

Little Known Fact

Little Known Fact about the Blue Jays, or maybe others do know this about this colorful bird.

They work together when danger is close by. I have heard others say that blue jays are a pest. Mainly because they kind of hog the bird feeders. Well, they do that, yes. I have seen them, but other birds can be pushy as well, like the grackles and morning doves.

Little Known Fact

I saw for the first time a Coopers Hawk hanging around my bird feeders this year. It just doesn’t seem right that a bird will eat another bird. Coopers hawks do just that.

Little Known Fact

We knew when the hawk was in the area because all the blue jays give out warning calls. All of a sudden the hawk is flying after one, as the blue jay gets away. All the blue jays start chasing the hawk.

I will have photos of that tomorrow. I was pretty impressed how these blue jays stuck together to try and chase it off. More tomorrow.

Little Known Fact

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

There Are 4 of These

There Are 4 of These

There are 4 species of nuthatches found in North America. They are the red-breasted nuthatch, the white-breasted nuthatch, the brown-headed nuthatch, and the pygmy nuthatch. 

While they have distinct physical features, these tree-climbing birds share habitat, food, nesting, and foraging behaviors in common.

I photographed two of them this fall here at my place. The white breasted and the red one.
There Are 4 of These
There Are 4 of These

Plus I included some more Chickadee photos. I can’t resist taking their photos when they practically come right up to me.

There Are 4 of These

There Are 4 of These

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

5 Ds of Dodge Ball

5 Ds of Dodge Ball

5 Ds of Dodge Ball – Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge

These blue jays have the moves of the old Dodge Ball Game. Do you remember that game. I do, we played it in gym class. I don’t think they play that one anymore.

I just bought that old movie Dodge Ball, it is a classic for me.


5 Ds of Dodge Ball


5 Ds of Dodge Ball



5 Ds of Dodge Ball


5 Ds of Dodge Ball
Watch this video on YouTube.
Sandra J's Photography
Perfect Landing Blue Jay Slow Motion

5 Ds of Dodge Ball

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Discovering the New Bird Sanctuary

Discovering the New Bird Sanctuary

Discovering the New Bird Sanctuary near Paducah KN. I just looked at the map and saw a green area not far from us. So we took a drive to see what it was.

This area had a nice size man made lake with a road that you can drive all around it. Plenty of habitat for a lot of birds and people out fishing on the lake as well.

We discovered this new bird walking along the shore line.

Discovering the New Bird Sanctuary
New Bird Sanctuary

Dozens of Egrets in the trees and on land. I will definitely be visiting this park again to see more birds.

Discovering the New Bird Sanctuary

Discovering the New Bird Sanctuary

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Just One Shot

Just One Shot

Just One Shot is all I get of these sand hill cranes. They landed in the field next to our place. You can hear them easily in the mornings, as they make their bird calls.

This particular morning they flew right over my head and landed the next field over. I went out there to get a photo of them and only snapped this one before they took off. They were quite far away as well.

I never realized they have red eyes like the black swans until I looked at this photo.

Just One Shot
Just One Shot
Just One Shot

Just One Shot

Have a Great Weekend

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Heron Fishing

Heron Fishing

Heron Fishing today and this one is having some good luck. Catching big fish and eating them right away.

Heron Fishing
Heron Fishing

Before we left the small lake, heron tried again for a fish and came up empty handed. 🙂

Watch this video on YouTube.
Sandra J's Photography

Heron Fishing Video Link

Heron Fishing

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

She is Sneaky

She is Sneaky

She is Sneaky this little fawn, she is just starting to come out of the woods with mom in this first photo, the minute I come out with the camera she high tails it back to the woods.

She is Sneaky

Everyday she is getting more brave to not run when she sees me, she is curious and mom keeps a close eye on her.

She is Sneaky

Have a great weekend.

She is Sneaky

She is Sneaky

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

The Sly Fox

The Sly Fox

The Sly Fox – I photographed this beautiful animal on the gulf coast. I don’t see fox very often, they are around where I live, but never see them during the day. I did catch one on my trail camera last week passing by.

Beautiful animals, have a wonderful weekend.

The Sly Fox
The Sly Fox

This is AI’s version of my fox photo painted. I kind of like it. In any of my digital work, I always list it as digital. I am a photographer before being a digital artist. But I always use photos I take to get this look with the help of technology.

The Sly Fox

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Spring Bird Family Vacations

Spring Bird Family Vacations

Spring Bird Family Vacations – or lets call it the bird resort here at our place. This is the baby update of these 4 birds who have nested around our place.

The Raven is here every year all year. This couple had 2 babies this year. I have been trying to get a photo of all 4 of them together, but not easy to do. The 2 babies follow mom and dad everywhere still wanting to be fed by them. I just love watching how birds take care of their families.

Spring Bird Family Vacations
The Raven bird

I had mentioned in an earlier post that the Eastern Bluebirds had 4 babies. They have all left the nest and I am really going to miss these because they eat a lot of bugs. One baby somehow landed in a bucket I had outside, I took him over by the bird house and he wondered out of the bucket and than flew off.

I hope they come back next year.

The beautiful Tree Swallows had 4 or 5 babies. It is hard to count these because they fly so fast. They have all left as well. I looked up on the internet to find out where do they go after fledging. It said they usually find a group of their own and all hang out together until they fly south for the winter.

My northern Flicker residence are still here and they had 2 babies as well. I still see them flying around as a family for now.

If I can get any new photos of the kids, I will surely share them with you.

Spring Bird Family Vacations

Love of Bird Photography

Love of Bird Photography

Love of Bird Photography – Some of my favorite shots this summer so far.

Eastern Bluebird on the Fly, update on these birds nesting in my purple martin house. They had 4 babies and I saw one fly out of the bird house with its parent. The other 3 would take turns coming out of the nesting box and sit on the little porch. That is a small space for 4 baby birds so they are all probably about ready to test their wings and fly to a tree.

Love of Bird Photography

Female Ruby Throated Hummingbird stopping by the feeder.

Shore bird after a dip in the water

Love of Bird Photography

Oh and my favorite, the White Pelican in flight. Nothing I love more than photographing these beautiful birds as they fly right over top of me. It is very hard to hold the camera in a complete vertical position but so worth the efforts. 🙂

Love of Bird Photography

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

What’s Up

What’s Up

What’s Up – with a little head tilt up as this heron fly’s by looking at me. I can just picture it doing the heads up nod that people do to say hay.

That is what I did to him. 🙂

You know what the head nod is? We do it a lot when driving out on country roads. When a car approaches and the person waves at you, you either raise your first finger up as a wave back or the head nod. The shorter version of a wave.

What's Up

What’s Up

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

The Blob

The Blob

The Blob – did you ever see the movie, the Blob, I think it came out back in the 70’s. This first photo reminded me of that movie as these little birds are trying to run away from the foam in the water.

These little sand pipers are made for running, they are such a fast little bird running on the beach.

The Blob

These feet are made for standing, knobby knees and all. The gulls don’t do a lot of running on the beach. They can stand for a long time, just watching and looking for a an opportunity to find some food.

The Blob

The Blob

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

Patience is a Virtue

Patience is a Virtue

Patience is a Virtue, The Eastern Bluebird – this colorful bird seems to be all over the Midwest, but I have only recently started seeing it more and more.

This first photo I took of this colorful bird over 10 years ago as I was on a walk and it just happened to land on this sign. One takes a picture no matter what the background is or the perch the bird is sitting on, when you get to see a new bird like this one.

Patience is a Virtue

Well, over the years of practice and improving my photography skills. I have learned to be more patient and learned more about birds and their behaviors so I can work at getting just the right shot to highlight the species and not have to many distractions in the photo, when possible.

The Eastern Bluebird

That is not always possible with wildlife. But we do get lucky now and then.

I kept an eye on this Eastern Bluebird as it went from branch to branch. It was perched deep in the tree at first, as new leaves on the branches were blocking my view from getting a nice clear photo.


Patience is a Virtue

It finally landed on a branch that was hanging low under the tree. This is what I was waiting for, a clear view of this beautiful bird on just one branch.

I love it when my patience gives way to a beautiful photo like this. Showcasing the beauty of this little bird. 🙂

Patience is a Virtue

Have a great weekend.

Patience is a Virtue

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

Hooded Merganser & MouseBird

Hooded Merganser & MouseBird

Hooded Merganser – Last of the birds from the Mississippi Aquarium. I almost missed these two. The Hooded merganser you can find at many places throughout the states. Such an interesting duck, it is a fish eating duck.

This one is decked out in its breeding colors. The white areas are so bright, it really catches the eye of the females.

Hooded Merganser

This one is the Speckled Mousebird.

This family was named for their soft fluffy, mousy grey-brown plumage and long, thin tails, and their mouse-like habit of scurrying around in brush as they search for food.

Hooded Merganser & MouseBird

Due to their low-calorie, fruit-based diet, these birds go into torpor (temporary or semi-hibernation) on cold nights to conserve energy. During this time, their heart rate slows down, their body temperature decreases and they remain in a so-called “suspended animation” until it is time for them to wake up and feed again.

The only other groups of birds known to go into temporary hibernation are hummingbirds and nighthawks. These mousebirds generally roost in tight groups of 20 or more birds to prevent heat loss and also to deter nocturnal predators.

Speckled Mousebirds occur naturally in Africa – from Cameroon east through the Central African Republic, southern Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea and south Somalia, south through Kenya (except for the arid northern and eastern lowland areas of Kenya), eastern Africa to southern South Africa.

Hooded Merganser & MouseBird

Hooded Merganser & MouseBird

The Red Headed Woodpecker

The Red Headed Woodpecker

The Red Headed Woodpecker – I am still working on getting a good photo of this bird. I only see this one when I am in Illinois. They are a fast bird and easy to spot with the bright red and white feathers.

Of course, I was walking one morning, without a camera, which I have always told myself never to do. This woodpecker landed on a tree right in front of my at eye level. I can only shake my head at how that would have been a great shot.

Normally I am pointing my camera straight up into the trees to photograph this bird. Birding is always a challenge, a fun one at that.

The Red Headed Woodpecker

Have a great weekend.

The Red Headed Woodpecker

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

The Ibis Group

The Ibis Group

The Ibis Group – There are a number of different birds belonging to the ibis group spread across the planet. In each place where they dwell, ibis make a lasting impression. Their distinctive decurved bill shape sets them apart from similar wading birds and makes them an instantly recognizable artistic motif.

The Ibis Group
The Ibis Group
The Ibis Group

The Ibis Group

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

Good Ole Song Birds

Good Ole Song Birds

Good Ole Song Birds, lets start the week with some good ole song birds from the mid west here. One can never go wrong with the cardinals. Spring time means bright red colors for these male cardinals. I have taken many, many photos of these birds, so what keeps me taking more of him?

Well, trying to find a different background to add to the photo. The bird looks about the same in every shot, but it is the background that can be a challenge to change up the photo.

Good Ole Song Birds

There are lots of different trees these birds land in, so I look for a shot where the trees or branches will make for a new and interesting print.

Good Ole Song Birds

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

The Scarlet Ibis

The Scarlet Ibis

The Scarlet Ibis

The scarlet ibis, sometimes called red ibis (Eudocimus ruber), is a species of ibis in the bird family Threskiornithidae. It inhabits tropical South America and part of the Caribbean. In form, it resembles most of the other twenty-seven extant species of ibis, but its remarkably brilliant scarlet coloration makes it unmistakable.

The Scarlet Ibis
The Scarlet Ibis

This picture below is a photo that I took in Louisiana, the white Ibis. My first time seeing an Ibis bird.

Have a great weekend.

The Scarlet Ibis

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

Pied Imperial Pigeon

Pied Imperial Pigeon

Pied Imperial Pigeon

The pied imperial pigeon (Ducula bicolor) is a relatively large, pied species of pigeon. It is found in forest, woodland, mangrove, plantations and scrub in Southeast Asia, ranging from Myanmar and Thailand, throughout Indonesia and east to the Philippines 

Pied Imperial Pigeon

Pied Imperial Pigeon

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

Nicobar Pigeon

Nicobar Pigeon

Nicobar Pigeon – the most brilliant colors I think I have ever seen on a bird.

One of the most beautiful breeds of Columbidae, the Nicobar pigeon is the only remaining living member of the genus Caleonas.

This might not mean anything to a casual bird lover, but it means that the Nicobar pigeon is believed to be the closest living relative of the dodo, the extinct bird that has come to be a symbol of extinct animals all over the world.

Nicobar Pigeon

The Nicobar pigeon, as the name suggests, originated in the Islands of Nicobar.

These islands are a union territory of India along with the Andaman Islands (home of the rare Andaman wood pigeon) and lie in the eastern Indian Ocean.

Nicobar Pigeon

The Nicobar pigeon is known not only in Nicobar but also Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Myanmar, Cambodia, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands

Nicobar Pigeon

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

Guira Cuckoo Birds

Guira Cuckoo Birds

Guira Cuckoo Birds – South America Birds

Guira Cuckoos are omnivores and groups will forage together for insects, frogs, eggs, large arthropods such as spiders, crabs, etc., and small mammals such as mice, as well as the nestlings of small birds. Their beak is thick and has a downward curve, which is designed for eating meat. They belong to the same family as the Roadrunner.

Guira Cuckoo Birds

They are very noisy birds and make a wide variety of noises, including yodels, guttural calls, gargled trills, and whistles. And, like other cuckoos, they give off a very strong odor.

Guira Cuckoo Birds

Guira Cuckoo Birds

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

One More New Bird

One More New Bird

One More New Bird – I wasn’t sure what this bird was. A duck or something else. It took awhile to find it in my bird book.

But it is a Clapper Rail, it looks half duck and half something else. Even when I looked up information on this bird, this is what it says.

This bird is a member of the rail family, Rallidae. The taxonomy for this species is confusing and still being determined. It is a large brown rail that is resident in wetlands along the Atlantic coasts of the eastern United States, eastern Mexico and some Caribbean islands.

One More New Bird

One More New Bird

Artistry in Nature

Artistry in Nature

Artistry in Nature, The Wing, it never ceases to amaze me, the intricate detail and design of the wing on all of the birds. I count at least 10 different lengths of feathers on this white pelicans wing. But they look so perfectly in line and a master of art itself from our creator.

Each feather with a purpose that only the designer knows exactly why and how it works. If someone asked me to design a wing. I would just make all the feathers the same because I don’t actually know the true purpose of all the different lengths.

But they are beautiful to look at.

Artistry in Nature