Colorful Ibis Birds
Colorful Ibis Birds – Creation at its best.
Colorful Ibis Birds
Sandra J’s Adventures Outdoors
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Colorful Ibis Birds – Creation at its best.
Colorful Ibis Birds
Sandra J’s Adventures Outdoors
Thank you for stopping by.
Juvenile Ibis Bird – I find these birds to be pretty special as well as the Spoon Bills. One only sees them in the south. Such a unique design.
This one below is one of my favorite shots.
Juvenile Ibis Bird
Sandra J’s Adventures Outdoors
Thank you for stopping by.
Pelican Close Up – this gorgeous bird just happened to be perched on a railing near some fisherman of course. Lots of folks were taking his photo as did I. When one has a chance to get this close to a wild bird, it is an amazing experience.
Pelican Close Up
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
The Osprey in Flight
Another fun bird to photograph, especially when they are flying. They can hover for a long time as they look around in the water for a fish to snag.
This shot below show the orange hue color of their eyes. Which I have never noticed before.
The Osprey in Flight
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
Portrait of a Rooster
Portrait of a Rooster
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
Kestrel – American Kestrels occupy habitats ranging from deserts and grasslands to alpine meadows. You’re most likely to see them perching on telephone wires along roadsides, in open country with short vegetation and few trees.
My first sighting of one of these colorful birds.
My shutter speed on the camera wasn’t nearly fast enough to stop motion of this quick bird.
Have a great weekend.
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
Birds in the Nature Preserve – Just a few of the birds I saw while driving around the nature preserve. A lot of the usual ones like the herons and a few ducks now and than. We are a little late for migration time so there were not as many birds as earlier in the year I am sure.
Most of them were quite far away from where we were standing. I found this photo below interesting as the alligator swam past the Anhinga bird perched on the dead tree.
We did find at one end of the lake a lot of bird feathers. The alligators do eat birds.
Looks like this bird blind got hit by a storm and ripped the roof right off of it. Closed for the season.
Birds in the Nature Preserve
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
I finally spotted two new bird species and one I’ve been hoping to see for years at the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge!
Whenever I’m traveling, I always pull up Google Maps to check for nearby wildlife areas. In the Southeast, especially along the coast, there are tons of them, thanks to the vast marshlands.
Lately, I’ve been discovering more wildlife refuge areas that let you drive through the landscape. These parks have roads winding through the marshes, giving you deeper access to the area and better chances of spotting wildlife.
Savannah National Wildlife Refuge is one of those special places!
We didn’t spot many bird species as we drove through the area, but I did add two new ones to my list.
My first exciting sighting was a wood stork. They were distant, but I still got a good look with my binoculars.
Then, as we walked down a narrow trail alongside a waterway, a hint of pink caught my eye. Sure enough, there they were!
The spoon bill bird. I finally got to see them. A pink bird. Quite amazing. So different from all the other birds. We are in South Carolina where I finally got to see these. I thought I would have to go to Florida to see them.
Savannah National Wildlife Refuge
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
My Second Favorite Bird – The Great Blue Heron photographed in South Carolina at a National Wildlife Refuge
My Second Favorite Bird Have a great week ahead
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
Birds – Starting to see some birds other than the blue jays from home.
First the Double Crested Cormorant known for those striking blue eyes. One of these days I would like to get a close up photo of this birds eye. So unique.
The Little Killdeer bird. Always fun to see in the spring time.
But very fast birds, it was very hard to get a shot of this one flying.
This photo below was from last spring, just cute as is. Two goslings.
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
Life often teaches us in the most unexpected ways, and sometimes, it takes the simplest moments to reveal profound truths. Recently, I experienced a beautiful metaphor for resilience and grace. I want to share this lesson from a little seed I planted and then forgot.
A few months ago, I planted a few sunflower seeds. I nurtured it for a while, watering and tending to it with hope and excitement. But as time went on, I grew disheartened. The seed showed no signs of life, and eventually, my attention waned. I stopped watering it, convinced that it had failed. I gave up on it completely.
Imagine my surprise when I returned to the garden weeks later. There, midst the weeds and the remnants of my neglect, stood a stunning flower, vibrant and full of life. The colors were brilliant, and its presence was nothing short of miraculous. How could something I had abandoned flourish in my absence?
In that moment, I couldn’t help but reflect on how similar this is to our own lives and faith journeys. We often plant seeds of hope, love, and dreams. However, we sometimes see them wither due to doubt. Despair or the daily grind can also cause them to wither.
We find ourselves overwhelmed, wondering if anything we’ve nurtured will ever bloom. Just like my neglected seed, we feel like our efforts have gone unnoticed, forgotten in the chaos of life.
This experience with the flower taught me a powerful truth. Even when we give up, God is still at work. There are times we feel our prayers are unanswered. We believe our efforts are fruitless. But, like that seed, growth often occurs beneath the surface. It remains unseen and unfelt.
God’s timing is perfect, and His plans are often beyond our comprehension. My flower emerged when I least expected it. Similarly, we find that our moments of struggle and doubt can lead to unexpected beauty. Sometimes, what seems like an end is merely a pause, allowing God to work in ways we can’t imagine.
Autumn Sunflowers
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
Graceful Pelican Landing A Mesmerizing Display of Nature’s Precision
Witnessing a white pelican land on water is a mesmerizing spectacle of nature’s artistry and precision. As the pelican descends, its majestic wings spread wide, creating a grand, sweeping arc against the sky. The powerful beats of its wings gradually soften, guiding the bird into a graceful and controlled descent
The air currents interact with the pelican’s wings. This creates a delicate balance. It allows the bird to approach the water with both elegance and precision.
The pelican in the water, glances to its right, clearly uncertain about the landing abilities of the other bird.
As the pelican touches down, the air currents from its landing ruffle the feathers of the second pelican nearby.
This graceful landing is marked by the pelican’s aerodynamic glide. It skillfully uses its feet as natural skis. This is a testament to the remarkable interplay of power and poise in nature.
It’s a moment where every element—from the sweeping wingspan to the delicate touch on the water—comes together. It results in a harmonious show of beauty and precision.
Graceful Pelican Landing
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
The white pelican is a majestic marvel of nature, embodying a blend of grace, power, and beauty in its wingspan. As it spreads its wings, the sheer expanse is nothing short of breathtaking. With a wingspan that can reach up to nine feet, the white pelican commands the sky. Its presence is almost regal.
The beauty of the white pelican’s wingspan is remarkable. The contrast of its pristine white feathers against the vast sky accentuates this beauty even more.
As sunlight filters through the feathers, they can shimmer with a soft, iridescent glow. When the pelican soars, it casts a striking silhouette against the horizon. Its wings form a dramatic, sweeping arc. This captures the eye.
A Majestic Marvel of Nature
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
Cooper’s Hawk – here it is. A small hawk, but he can move. He was chasing the blue jays in and out of the trees so fast. It was hard to get a photo of it.
He would chase one and then it would escape through the trees. It would wait for one to move and at it again.
The blue jays are just as fast and can zip in and out of the tree branches as well.
I never did see the hawk catch one bird. I did see the blue jays chase it off many times. But it would come back a few days later and try again.
Nature taking its course. Oh, and when the blue jays are warning everyone around that the hawk is here. All the bird species take cover. The chickadees stay hidden until the coast is clear.
Have a great weekend.
Cooper’s Hawk
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
Little Known Fact about the Blue Jays, or maybe others do know this about this colorful bird.
They work together when danger is close by. I have heard others say that blue jays are a pest. Mainly because they kind of hog the bird feeders. Well, they do that, yes. I have seen them, but other birds can be pushy as well, like the grackles and morning doves.
I saw for the first time a Coopers Hawk hanging around my bird feeders this year. It just doesn’t seem right that a bird will eat another bird. Coopers hawks do just that.
We knew when the hawk was in the area because all the blue jays give out warning calls. All of a sudden the hawk is flying after one, as the blue jay gets away. All the blue jays start chasing the hawk.
I will have photos of that tomorrow. I was pretty impressed how these blue jays stuck together to try and chase it off. More tomorrow.
Little Known Fact
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
There are 4 species of nuthatches found in North America. They are the red-breasted nuthatch, the white-breasted nuthatch, the brown-headed nuthatch, and the pygmy nuthatch.
While they have distinct physical features, these tree-climbing birds share habitat, food, nesting, and foraging behaviors in common.
I photographed two of them this fall here at my place. The white breasted and the red one.
Plus I included some more Chickadee photos. I can’t resist taking their photos when they practically come right up to me.
There Are 4 of These
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
They May Be Tiny but they are fast little birds. Here’s to some of the prettiest tiny birds this fall from my backyard.
Little Birds in Slow Motion Video Link
They May Be Tiny
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
5 Ds of Dodge Ball – Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge
These blue jays have the moves of the old Dodge Ball Game. Do you remember that game. I do, we played it in gym class. I don’t think they play that one anymore.
I just bought that old movie Dodge Ball, it is a classic for me.
5 Ds of Dodge Ball
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
Discovering the New Bird Sanctuary near Paducah KN. I just looked at the map and saw a green area not far from us. So we took a drive to see what it was.
This area had a nice size man made lake with a road that you can drive all around it. Plenty of habitat for a lot of birds and people out fishing on the lake as well.
We discovered this new bird walking along the shore line.
Dozens of Egrets in the trees and on land. I will definitely be visiting this park again to see more birds.
Discovering the New Bird Sanctuary
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
Just One Shot is all I get of these sand hill cranes. They landed in the field next to our place. You can hear them easily in the mornings, as they make their bird calls.
This particular morning they flew right over my head and landed the next field over. I went out there to get a photo of them and only snapped this one before they took off. They were quite far away as well.
I never realized they have red eyes like the black swans until I looked at this photo.
Just One Shot
Have a Great Weekend
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
Shake Shake Shake. After eating its fish dinner, time to shake off the water.
Have a great weekend. 😉
Shake Shake Shake
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
Heron Fishing today and this one is having some good luck. Catching big fish and eating them right away.
Before we left the small lake, heron tried again for a fish and came up empty handed. 🙂
Heron Fishing
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
These Little Guys are Back – and lots of them. They are just so precious and friendly.
I made some holiday cards of this little bird. Chickadees and snow scenes go together so well. 🙂
These Little Guys are Back
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
She is Sneaky this little fawn, she is just starting to come out of the woods with mom in this first photo, the minute I come out with the camera she high tails it back to the woods.
Everyday she is getting more brave to not run when she sees me, she is curious and mom keeps a close eye on her.
Have a great weekend.
She is Sneaky
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
The Sly Fox – I photographed this beautiful animal on the gulf coast. I don’t see fox very often, they are around where I live, but never see them during the day. I did catch one on my trail camera last week passing by.
Beautiful animals, have a wonderful weekend.
This is AI’s version of my fox photo painted. I kind of like it. In any of my digital work, I always list it as digital. I am a photographer before being a digital artist. But I always use photos I take to get this look with the help of technology.
The Sly Fox
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
Spring Bird Family Vacations – or lets call it the bird resort here at our place. This is the baby update of these 4 birds who have nested around our place.
The Raven is here every year all year. This couple had 2 babies this year. I have been trying to get a photo of all 4 of them together, but not easy to do. The 2 babies follow mom and dad everywhere still wanting to be fed by them. I just love watching how birds take care of their families.
I had mentioned in an earlier post that the Eastern Bluebirds had 4 babies. They have all left the nest and I am really going to miss these because they eat a lot of bugs. One baby somehow landed in a bucket I had outside, I took him over by the bird house and he wondered out of the bucket and than flew off.
I hope they come back next year.
The beautiful Tree Swallows had 4 or 5 babies. It is hard to count these because they fly so fast. They have all left as well. I looked up on the internet to find out where do they go after fledging. It said they usually find a group of their own and all hang out together until they fly south for the winter.
My northern Flicker residence are still here and they had 2 babies as well. I still see them flying around as a family for now.
If I can get any new photos of the kids, I will surely share them with you.
Spring Bird Family Vacations
Love of Bird Photography – Some of my favorite shots this summer so far.
Eastern Bluebird on the Fly, update on these birds nesting in my purple martin house. They had 4 babies and I saw one fly out of the bird house with its parent. The other 3 would take turns coming out of the nesting box and sit on the little porch. That is a small space for 4 baby birds so they are all probably about ready to test their wings and fly to a tree.
Female Ruby Throated Hummingbird stopping by the feeder.
Shore bird after a dip in the water
Oh and my favorite, the White Pelican in flight. Nothing I love more than photographing these beautiful birds as they fly right over top of me. It is very hard to hold the camera in a complete vertical position but so worth the efforts. 🙂
Love of Bird Photography
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
What’s Up – with a little head tilt up as this heron fly’s by looking at me. I can just picture it doing the heads up nod that people do to say hay.
That is what I did to him. 🙂
You know what the head nod is? We do it a lot when driving out on country roads. When a car approaches and the person waves at you, you either raise your first finger up as a wave back or the head nod. The shorter version of a wave.
What’s Up
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
The Blob – did you ever see the movie, the Blob, I think it came out back in the 70’s. This first photo reminded me of that movie as these little birds are trying to run away from the foam in the water.
These little sand pipers are made for running, they are such a fast little bird running on the beach.
These feet are made for standing, knobby knees and all. The gulls don’t do a lot of running on the beach. They can stand for a long time, just watching and looking for a an opportunity to find some food.
The Blob
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J
Patience is a Virtue, The Eastern Bluebird – this colorful bird seems to be all over the Midwest, but I have only recently started seeing it more and more.
This first photo I took of this colorful bird over 10 years ago as I was on a walk and it just happened to land on this sign. One takes a picture no matter what the background is or the perch the bird is sitting on, when you get to see a new bird like this one.
Well, over the years of practice and improving my photography skills. I have learned to be more patient and learned more about birds and their behaviors so I can work at getting just the right shot to highlight the species and not have to many distractions in the photo, when possible.
That is not always possible with wildlife. But we do get lucky now and then.
I kept an eye on this Eastern Bluebird as it went from branch to branch. It was perched deep in the tree at first, as new leaves on the branches were blocking my view from getting a nice clear photo.
It finally landed on a branch that was hanging low under the tree. This is what I was waiting for, a clear view of this beautiful bird on just one branch.
I love it when my patience gives way to a beautiful photo like this. Showcasing the beauty of this little bird. 🙂
Patience is a Virtue
Have a great weekend.
Patience is a Virtue
Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures
Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts
By Sandra J