Tag: birds

Little Known Fact

Little Known Fact

Little Known Fact about the Blue Jays, or maybe others do know this about this colorful bird.

They work together when danger is close by. I have heard others say that blue jays are a pest. Mainly because they kind of hog the bird feeders. Well, they do that, yes. I have seen them, but other birds can be pushy as well, like the grackles and morning doves.

Little Known Fact

I saw for the first time a Coopers Hawk hanging around my bird feeders this year. It just doesn’t seem right that a bird will eat another bird. Coopers hawks do just that.

Little Known Fact

We knew when the hawk was in the area because all the blue jays give out warning calls. All of a sudden the hawk is flying after one, as the blue jay gets away. All the blue jays start chasing the hawk.

I will have photos of that tomorrow. I was pretty impressed how these blue jays stuck together to try and chase it off. More tomorrow.

Little Known Fact

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Discovering the New Bird Sanctuary

Discovering the New Bird Sanctuary

Discovering the New Bird Sanctuary near Paducah KN. I just looked at the map and saw a green area not far from us. So we took a drive to see what it was.

This area had a nice size man made lake with a road that you can drive all around it. Plenty of habitat for a lot of birds and people out fishing on the lake as well.

We discovered this new bird walking along the shore line.

Discovering the New Bird Sanctuary
New Bird Sanctuary

Dozens of Egrets in the trees and on land. I will definitely be visiting this park again to see more birds.

Discovering the New Bird Sanctuary

Discovering the New Bird Sanctuary

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Love of Bird Photography

Love of Bird Photography

Love of Bird Photography – Some of my favorite shots this summer so far.

Eastern Bluebird on the Fly, update on these birds nesting in my purple martin house. They had 4 babies and I saw one fly out of the bird house with its parent. The other 3 would take turns coming out of the nesting box and sit on the little porch. That is a small space for 4 baby birds so they are all probably about ready to test their wings and fly to a tree.

Love of Bird Photography

Female Ruby Throated Hummingbird stopping by the feeder.

Shore bird after a dip in the water

Love of Bird Photography

Oh and my favorite, the White Pelican in flight. Nothing I love more than photographing these beautiful birds as they fly right over top of me. It is very hard to hold the camera in a complete vertical position but so worth the efforts. 🙂

Love of Bird Photography

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

Eastern Towhee Bird

Eastern Towhee Bird

Eastern Towhee Bird – this bird was fun to see here in the mid west. I have only seen one of these before and it was out west in Texas. So to see one in Missouri was so fun.

I only saw the one and it was staying put on this log as I looked out the door of the RV, so I quick went and got my camera and opened the door slowly and took the photo.

Eastern Towhee Bird

This one below is the one I photographed in Texas.

Eastern Towhee Bird

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

Good Ole Song Birds

Good Ole Song Birds

Good Ole Song Birds, lets start the week with some good ole song birds from the mid west here. One can never go wrong with the cardinals. Spring time means bright red colors for these male cardinals. I have taken many, many photos of these birds, so what keeps me taking more of him?

Well, trying to find a different background to add to the photo. The bird looks about the same in every shot, but it is the background that can be a challenge to change up the photo.

Good Ole Song Birds

There are lots of different trees these birds land in, so I look for a shot where the trees or branches will make for a new and interesting print.

Good Ole Song Birds

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

The Scarlet Ibis

The Scarlet Ibis

The Scarlet Ibis

The scarlet ibis, sometimes called red ibis (Eudocimus ruber), is a species of ibis in the bird family Threskiornithidae. It inhabits tropical South America and part of the Caribbean. In form, it resembles most of the other twenty-seven extant species of ibis, but its remarkably brilliant scarlet coloration makes it unmistakable.

The Scarlet Ibis
The Scarlet Ibis

This picture below is a photo that I took in Louisiana, the white Ibis. My first time seeing an Ibis bird.

Have a great weekend.

The Scarlet Ibis

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

Nicobar Pigeon

Nicobar Pigeon

Nicobar Pigeon – the most brilliant colors I think I have ever seen on a bird.

One of the most beautiful breeds of Columbidae, the Nicobar pigeon is the only remaining living member of the genus Caleonas.

This might not mean anything to a casual bird lover, but it means that the Nicobar pigeon is believed to be the closest living relative of the dodo, the extinct bird that has come to be a symbol of extinct animals all over the world.

Nicobar Pigeon

The Nicobar pigeon, as the name suggests, originated in the Islands of Nicobar.

These islands are a union territory of India along with the Andaman Islands (home of the rare Andaman wood pigeon) and lie in the eastern Indian Ocean.

Nicobar Pigeon

The Nicobar pigeon is known not only in Nicobar but also Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Myanmar, Cambodia, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands

Nicobar Pigeon

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

Springtime With Birds

Springtime With Birds

Springtime With Birds – springtime means mating season and fighting for territory. It may look like they are just doing a dance according to these photos.

But, they are scraping and chasing each other trying to keep their spot on the river.

Springtime With Birds
Springtime With Birds
dancing egrets
Springtime With Birds

Spring has sprung in some areas, have a wonderful day.

Springtime With Birds

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

Gulls in Flight

Gulls in Flight

Gulls in Flight – Gulls are a very unique bird, some may say they are pest and some may say they are extremely smart.

They are definitely good at finding food or stealing food. But, if you are new at photography and want to learn how to photography birds in flight. Gulls are the perfect subject.

I learned so many better techniques by photographing gulls, because they glide and hover which makes it easier to track them with your camera.

Gulls in Flight

It is fun to get a photo with their maximum wingspan and tail feathers spread out.

Plus they sit still for long periods of time so you can practice your still shots as well.

You may not know this, but they do dive head first into the water to catch a fish now and then.

diving gull

Gulls in Flight

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

The Black Swan

The Black Swan

The Black Swan – Normally it was only found in Australia, but with the transporting of rare birds, these swans can be found in the states as well.

This swan I photographed at a campground in New Mexico called Rusty’s RV Ranch where Rusty, who is a woman, had quite a few exotic birds that she took care of. Two black swans included with their own pond, which was nice.

The Black Swan

Like most swans, this species has a characteristic “S” shaped neck and a large body. Black swans have one of the longest necks of all swan species relative to their size. They are large birds, with a wingspan of 6 feet or more, and a maximum weight of 20 pounds.

The Black Swan

The Black Swan

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

23 Woodpecker Species

23 Woodpecker Species

23 Woodpecker Species native to the United States and I have photographed 9 of them so far.

Starting with the Pileated Woodpecker

23 Woodpecker Species

Yellow Bellied Sapsucker photographed in Washington

23 Woodpecker Species

Northern Flicker photographed in Michigan

Red Headed Woodpecker photographed in Illinois

23 Woodpecker Species

Gila Woodpecker photographed in Arizona

Golden Fronted Woodpecker photographed in Texas

23 Woodpecker Species

Red Bellied Woodpecker photographed in Iowa

red bellied woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker photographed in Iowa

23 Woodpecker Species

Downy Woodpecker photographed in the woods somewhere. I can’t remember where I found this one. 🙂

downy woodpecker

Have a great weekend, September is almost over. Autumn is here, I hope you all get to go outdoors and enjoy the fall weather.

23 Woodpecker Species

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

Pileated Woodpecker Speed

Pileated Woodpecker Speed

Pileated Woodpecker Speed – Pileated Woodpeckers are known for their speedagility, and power. They are able to fly up to 30 miles per hour and sustain speeds of over 60 miles per hour when diving.

Additionally, Pileated Woodpeckers have been known to use their strong bills to chip away at tree trunks at a rate of up to 20 times per second. This combination of speed and strength makes Pileated Woodpeckers one of the most impressive birds in the Pileated woodpecker family.

Pileated Woodpecker Speed

I took a lot of photos to get these 4 good ones of this bird in flight. I am using a 600 mm lens and the weight of this camera is about 6 lbs. and moving it back and forth tilted up at the bird is a challenge by itself.

But I always like a good challenge. 🙂

Pileated Woodpecker Speed

Pileated Woodpecker Speed

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

The Pileated Woodpecker

The Pileated Woodpecker

The Pileated Woodpecker is one of the biggest, most striking forest birds on the continent. It’s nearly the size of a crow, black with bold white stripes down the neck and a flaming-red crest.

Look (and listen) for Pileated Woodpeckers whacking at dead trees and fallen logs in search of their main prey, carpenter ants, leaving unique rectangular holes in the wood. The nest holes these birds make offer crucial shelter to many species including swifts, owls, ducks, bats, and pine martens.

The Pileated Woodpecker

I normally see 4 of these gorgeous birds around my place all summer long. They are easy to find because of their size and they are actually very fast birds in flight. I actually got a couple photos of them flying I will share on tomorrows post.

The Pileated Woodpecker

I photographed this one below in Montana.

pileated woodpecker

The Pileated Woodpecker

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

Such a Cool Looking Bird

Such a Cool Looking Bird

Such a Cool Looking Bird – Many people consider the loon a symbol of wilderness; its rich yodeling and moaning calls, heard by day or night, are characteristic sounds of early summer in the north woods. In winter, silent and more subtly marked.

Common Loons inhabit coastal waters and large southern lakes. In such places they are solitary while feeding, but may gather in loose flocks at night.

Such a Cool Looking Bird

The Common Loon video;

Sounds of the Common Loon Bird, Striking Colors, Young Loons Preparing to Fly from Water, Sparkles

Loons are water birds, only going ashore to mate and incubate eggs. Their legs are placed far back on their bodies, allowing efficient swimming but only awkward movement on land.

Such a Cool Looking Bird

Loons are like airplanes in that they need a runway for takeoff. In the case of loons, they need from 30 yards up to a quarter-mile (depending on the wind) for flapping their wings and running across the top of the water in order to gain enough speed for lift-off.

Such a Cool Looking Bird

Like many young birds, juvenile loons are really on their own after mom and dad leave at about 12 weeks. The parents head off on migration in the fall, leaving juveniles to gather into flocks on northern lakes and make their own journey south a few weeks later. Once the juveniles reach coastal waters on the ocean, they stay there for the next two years. In the third year, young loons return north.

Such a Cool Looking Bird

Such a Cool Looking Bird

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

The Hummingbird

The Hummingbird

The Hummingbird – they travel over 2,000 miles twice a year. They winter in Central America or Mexico and migrate north to their breeding grounds in the U.S. during late winter and early spring.

When you see what amazing things this tiny little bird can do. It makes me realize there isn’t anything that I can not accomplish. Natures Little Wonders

Have a great weekend.

The Hummingbird
sunset and hummingbird
The Hummingbird
rufous hummingbird

Have a Great Weekend

The Hummingbird

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

My Favorite Hummingbird Photos

My Favorite Hummingbird Photos

My Favorite Hummingbird Photos – normally I always have 4 hummingbirds visiting my place. This year I have only see 2. I did not get a chance to photograph them this year and they are gone already. So, here are a few of last years photos.

My Favorite Hummingbird Photos
ruby throated hummingbird
Male Ruby Throated Hummingbird in a Dream World, abstract art work. Digital art.
rufous hummingbird

My Favorite Hummingbird Photos

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

Two New Birds

Two New Birds

Two New Birds – First the Great Crested Flycatcher. I love all the yellow on its belly, it blends so well with the brown wings. Such a pretty bird.

Great Crested Flycatchers are large flycatchers with fairly long and lean proportions. Like many flycatchers they have a powerful build with broad shoulders and a large head. Despite its name, this bird’s crest is not especially prominent. The bill is fairly wide at the base and straight; the tail is fairly long.

Two New Birds

I have finally seen the Red Headed Woodpecker. I had seen one in a movie I think and figured they must be rare and that I probably would never see one.

Guess what, this one I spotted in Illinois. I was so surprised. It was very far away and did not let me get to close to take a good photo. Such striking bold colors, add this to the life list.

Two New Birds

Two New Birds

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

No Jumping From Pier

No Jumping From Pier

No Jumping From Pier – Pelicans Talking

“George, are you going to jump? It says no jumping”

No Jumping From Pier

“But look at all those fish down there, I’m jumping”

No Jumping From Pier

Woo Hoo

No Jumping From Pier

“Look at George go, I’m going next”

No Jumping From Pier

Lunch is served

No Jumping From Pier

Short video below of Pelicans on the pier. There isn’t a link for this one, so you have to click visit to go to the web page to see it. Have a great weekend.

Have a great weekend.

No Jumping From Pier

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

Swallow Tailed Kites

Swallow Tailed Kites

Swallow Tailed Kites, I finally got to see some of these flying high. Some folks told me about this bird when I was down south. They said they only pass through the area and stay for just a few days. They actually look like kites gliding up above.

Swallow-tailed Kites spend most of their time in the air, capturing and swallowing their food in flight. Rarely flapping their wings, they soar and make tight turns, rotating their tail to steer.

Swallow Tailed Kites

Swallow Tailed Kites

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

He Needs a Bigger Condo

He Needs a Bigger Condo

He Needs a Bigger Condo, a heron likes to perch up high just like a cat. This one was watching us fish down below. It is a purple martin house and that isn’t a real one laying at the feet of the heron. It is a fake purple martin to attract the real ones. Short video of the heron below or click this link; Heron on a Bird House

I have a fake one on my purple martin house, but I have never seen a purple martin up there yet. It is the end of June and here is wishing everyone a wonderful month of July.

The warm summer days are ahead of us, they remind of being a youngster, enjoying the fresh green grass between your toes, the warm breezes brushing up against your skin. Just love it.

Have a great weekend.

He Needs a Bigger Condo
How to Be Brave on top of the World. #shorts
He Needs a Bigger Condo
He Needs a Bigger Condo

Have a wonderful weekend. 🙂

He Needs a Bigger Condo

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts