Category: Daily Adventures

Blogs of everyday activates and adventures.

The Horse Show

The Horse Show

The Horse Show. My favorite class to watch at horse shows is the halter class. Where they mostly just show the composition of the horse compared to the others in the class.

The judge is in the pink shirt heading over to this 4 H girl showing her horse. I think her horse has done this a few times. Its eyes are closed, taking a nap I believe. 🙂

The Horse Show

This next one has a bit more energy. But the girl has no problem with her horse and lets him warm up a bit before the class.

The Horse Show

Short video below of the horse and riders at the beginning of the show carrying the flags.

Watch this video on YouTube.
Sandra J's Photography

Horse Show Video Click Here

The Horse Show

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Glowing Spots

Glowing Spots

Glowing Spots – I love this shot, as if this fawns white fur is glowing in the morning light. The sun is just coming up over the trees, and with a faster shutter speed. The white really stands out as the background is darker.

Glowing Spots
Watch this video on YouTube.
Sandra J's Photography
Baby Fawn Growing Up video link

Glowing Spots

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Horses at the Fair

Horses at the Fair

Horses at the Fair. I have a couple more photos to share. They are from my visit to the small town fair in Iowa. I went to the fair recently.

I showed horses in my younger days. It was so much fun getting together with other like-minded people. We enjoyed a day or two of hanging around with some very beautiful horses.

Horses at the Fair
Horses at the Fair

They spent some time working on this horses mane below. Lots of rubber bands. Very pretty.

Horses at the Fair

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Next Generation

Next Generation

Next Generation. I am so excited, my oldest niece is interested in photography. I have been helping her learn how to use a DSLR camera and the camera on her phone. But she wants to learn with a camera which is so exciting to me.

I love talking photography and teaching her everything I know. Photography is fun and gets you to slow down a bit. It helps you look at everything around you more closely.

Even though I live 8 hours away from her, with today’s technology, she sends me photos that she takes. I give her advice on how to change the composition to make an eye catching photo. She likes to enter her photos into the fair in her town.

Take for example this photo below, She took this with her phone and sent it to me. As she was standing there by the river and it was getting close to sunset.

So I had just a couple of suggestions for her. First there is too much in the foreground with that cement pad there. I can tell the river curves to the left in front of her. The sun is dropping off to the right in the background.

I text her back. I said to go right down to the edge of the river. She needed to turn her cell phone upside down so that the camera was right at the water’s edge. Then put the camera on its widest angle, which is .6 with a Samsung. She said ok and give her a minute and she will try it.

This is what she sent me next. So much better. I love the clouds reflecting in the water and the trees on both sides. By the time she took the shot, the sun was adding a bit of color.

It looks like she is in the water and the viewer has a leading line to look down the river.

I edited it just a bit to straighten up the horizon and sent it back. Amazing that she and I can do this all through texting.

I gave her my old DSLR bridge camera that she will learn from. We will be working with that this fall when I get down there.

Next Generation

I took this photo on drift wood beach in Georgia, An example of using a wide angle lens. With the right landscape, I love how it elongates the scene. It draws the eye down to that tree in the middle of the shot.

Next Generation

Next Generation

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

When They Look

When They Look

When They Look right at you. I love shots like this. When it looks like I have made eye contact with the animals I photograph. As if the animal is posing just for the shot.

I also love the fact that this horses main is framing its face. Definitely going into my favorite folder and I am printing this one.

When They Look

This one is just the opposite, they are all looking at something down the street. 🙂 Well, except for two who look like they are napping.

When They Look

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

White Tailed Deer

White Tailed Deer

White Tailed Deer.

When a white-tailed deer raises its tail, it is signaling a warning. This signals a warning of possible danger to other deer that be nearby.

This is called flagging. It exposes the white fur of its tail and backside. This alerts others in its herd of danger

The deer also wags its tail from side to side while flaggingFlagging also helps other members of the herd locate each otherA startled deer skip any or all of the preliminary signals, but it almost always displays the flaglike tail as it runs away

White Tailed Deer
White Tailed Deer
White Tailed Deer

Video Here, Click the Link – Mother and Fawn Playing in a Puddle

I took this video below with my phone camera through a window. It is not the clearest video. I saw mother and fawn playing in a water puddle out in the yard.

Watch this video on YouTube.
Sandra J's Photography

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

On The Road Again

On The Road Again

On The Road Again. That is all for Paducah Kentucky, I am sure we will be back there. I do have a couple of new spots we are going to camp at this winter. So much to see, nature is calling.

Have a great weekend.

On The Road Again

On The Road Again

The Old 1518

The Old 1518

The Old 1518. A Mikado steam engine, the last “Iron Horse” used by the I.C.R.R., serves as a memorial to the passage of the Steam Age.

Located on Water Street in Historic Downtown, the memorial and marker are dedicated to the Illinois Central Railroad Company. They emphasize the importance of the railroad to Paducah’s history and commerce.

The Old 1518
The Old 1518

I am truly fascinated with the old steam locomotives. The power of them, the sound and the engineering itself.

There is one locomotive that I would love to see one day, it is the Big Boy 4014. It does tour the states, the last couple of years it sat still during the covid. But this year it is back on tour.

I found the schedule. It is going through Iowa. I think it is next week. I just can’t make it there right now.

But I will see it one of these days. 🙂

The Old 1518

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

A Summer’s Warmth

A Summer’s Warmth

A Summer’s Warmth. Gently recedes, autumn steps in with its own distinct charm. It drapes the world in a stunning tapestry of golden hues.

There’s a certain magic in this season. Nature’s palette shifts from the vibrant greens of summer to a more mellow, sunlit symphony of golds, ambers, and ochres.

A Summer's Warmth
A Summer's Warmth

The leaves have started to turn in my neck of the woods.

A Summer’s Warmth

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

CN’s Autonomous Track Inspection 

CN’s Autonomous Track Inspection 

CN’s Autonomous Track Inspection. CN’s ATIP is a fleet of fully automated rail cars. They use wireless communications to test and check real-time geometric track measurements. They also conduct track asset condition assessments without interrupting normal railroad operations.

With its ATIP cars powered by solar panels and a generator, CN achieves 24/7/365 track inspections. The cars travel at revenue service track speed. These completely self-sustaining and autonomous test platforms make it possible.

CN’s Autonomous Track Inspection

I had no idea what this train car was until I looked it up. We were sitting at a park and I looked up and it was crossing this bridge. I just assumed it was a passenger rail car but I noticed it did not have an engine.


CN’s Autonomous Track Inspection

CN’s Autonomous Track Inspection 

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Exploring the National Quilt Museum

Exploring the National Quilt Museum

Exploring the National Quilt Museum. A Visual Delight

Well, I never knew there was a museum for quilts. But a museum it should be because the quilts were amazing. I have never seen anything like them.

Exploring the National Quilt Museum

This museum is in Paducah Kentucky. Each quilt has a card next to it with a bar code. You can scan it and read all about the making of the quilt. You can see how long it took to make and where it was from.

The National Quilt Museum
The National Quilt Museum
Exploring the National Quilt Museum

This one below is my favorite quilt, the picture does not do it justice. It has hundreds of sequence on it that just sparkle no matter what angle you view the quilt at.

I am not a quilt maker, I do not have the patience for that at all. I truly enjoyed looking at these as did my husband. Amazing what people can make.

Exploring the National Quilt Museum

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

The Other Side of the Wall

The Other Side of the Wall

The Other Side of the Wall in Paducah is the Ohio River. This river flooded the town many years ago, hence the building of the mural wall.

The Other Side of the Wall

Lined with interesting looking trees

Mural of the locks on the river

The Other Side of the Wall

Street musicians playing some wonderful music as we walked downtown enjoying the scenery.

Have a wonderful weekend. Next week I will show you a museum. I did not know this type of museum existed anywhere in the country. Cool place though. 🙂

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Lots to See in Paducah

Lots to See in Paducah

Lots to See in Paducah. An old style theater where they still put on plays. Beautiful architecture on all the streets.

Lots to See in Paducah

Signs every where telling you some history as you walk along the river side.

Lots to See in Paducah

Museums with lots of items from days gone by. This is what the drug stores looked like, beautiful wooden cabinets holding all the medicinal items.

Lots to See in Paducah

Lots to See in Paducah

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Discover the Charm of Paducah

Discover the Charm of Paducah

A Hidden Gem of History and Art

Discover the Charm of Paducah A Hidden Gem of History and Art. A beautiful little town filled with history and art. Another town that we have camped near for many years, but we never actually went into the town itself. Until last spring. What a surprise we had to find such a historical little town full of brick streets, old buildings and museums. The grand attraction called the Wall to Wall Murals, Portraits of their Past.

This town is full of historic beautiful homes, a vibrant downtown area with lots of original brick buildings and streets. Just a fun place to visit.

Paducah Kentucky

This is one of the murals below showing the bustling main street of Paducah from back in the day.

Discover the Charm of Paducah

The man behind the murals is;

Robert Dafford, Muralist

Dafford, a resident of Lafayette, Louisiana, fell in love with the city on his first visit. He was introduced to several local citizens. He learned about Paducah’s history. He stated, “This river town has vast and colorful history. It would be an ideal location to paint images from its past”. He and his team of talented muralists were commissioned to start painting Paducah’s floodwall the next spring. Dafford has painted over 500 murals across the United States, Canada, France, England and Belgium.

He has been painting murals, signs and fine art paintings for over 50 years. In the past 40 years, Dafford has concentrated on working along the Ohio River. He has painted over 200 large historical images of cities on their floodwalls. Many riverboat and motor coach tours make stops along the Ohio River specifically to see these murals.

Paducah Kentucky

He has a team of artist that help him paint these murals. The tour guide at the museum told us that when he started painting these it cost $10,000 dollars a photo. She said now it is over $30,000 to paint one section. There are a few empty pieces of the wall yet in need of a mural, but because of the cost. He has not done anymore lately.

Discover the Charm of Paducah

Discover the Charm of Paducah: A Hidden Gem of History and Art

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Days Are Getting Shorter

Days Are Getting Shorter

Days Are Getting Shorter – As I sit at my computer on this serene early morning, I watch the daylight gradually stretch its arrival, casting a gentle glow through my window. I wait patiently, eager to see the birds make their appearance at the feeders.

The blue jays have arrived, bringing their young along to learn the art of foraging. The fledglings, fluttering around with eagerness, receive gentle guidance from their parents as they practice eating on their own.

I have been taking photos of these colorful birds, trying to get shots of them in flights to see their colorful feathers.

Days Are Getting Shorter

As most of you have probably heard, AI is here to stay and it is making an impact on our photography world as well.

Yes, I have been dabbling into the art of AI with my photos as I have extra time these days. Exploring this new technology to make greeting cards for the upcoming seasons apon us.

I only use photoshop and they have incorporated a new AI into its program this month. I quite enjoy using it and creating art by using my photos as the generative reference images.

I have two samples below showing the difference between using your own reference photos and using text to image program.

This first photo below I used my blue jay photos to make this wintery greeting card. It does pretty well I think. I also list on all of my work when it is AI generated or not and how I made the piece.

Days Are Getting Shorter

Now this print below is using the text to image system. Where you describe what you want the photo to look like. I do not prefer this type of imagery. But I can see where some folks might like to use this, for creating children’s books or something like that.

There is a place for art using this new technology I believe, it does not replace photography at all, but it is definitely here to stay and being used throughout industries of all kinds, from advertising to creating movies.

Right now I can still tell the difference between AI and Real, but that may change as the software keeps improving.

I believe there will always be a place for genuine photographs because computers can’t replicate the human touch. While technology can imitate creativity, it can never replace the authentic essence of human expression.

Days Are Getting Shorter

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Night Sky Phenomena

Night Sky Phenomena

Night Sky Phenomena – I cannot explain these photos as all. I took some photos in the middle of last week as I noticed the night sky was clear and the stars were shinning bright.

I set my camera up for time lapse again, I then went inside and fell asleep for a couple of hours. Woke up and went outside to retrieve my camera and put the SD card in my computer and this is what I saw.

There were a few shooting stars mostly going south west. This light appears on the left side of the shot and it is moving NE with the two lights in the middle of the larger lights. All three were moving together north.

It took 10 consecutive shots as the light moved from the tree line and then went out of frame. It held the same shape the entire distance, Now I don’t know what it was, but my imagination says it could be angel wings, which is a hopeful thought for me. These lights are extremely large as well.

I have photographed many stars over the years and have never seen anything like this. I will never know probably what it is, but I know what I would like it to be. 🙂

Night Sky Phenomena
I Don't Know What This Is
Night Sky Phenomena
I Don't Know What This Is
Night Sky Phenomena

I Don’t Know What This Is

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Perseid Meteor Shower

Perseid Meteor Shower

Perseid Meteor Shower – you may have heard that last weekend was the highlight of the Perseid Meteor shower. I had my camera gear ready and we had a clear night for the even last Sunday.

I got up around 2 am and looked out the window first and noticed the sky seemed kind of bright for viewing stars. I went outside and low and behold the Northern lights were dancing across the sky as well, that is why it was brighter than normal.

Bad news, I saw a few shooting stars but not as many as they said there were because of the northern lights where I live.

This photo below shows the northern lights plus I stacked about 100 photos to show you the star trails. I had my camera set to time lapse photos, 15 sec shutter speed, WB 4500K, ISO 4000, F2.8 with a wide- angle lens.

Perseid Meteor Shower

This next photo, I was able to capture just a bit of the milky way with the northern lights, this photo was taken with a small little Go Pro Camera. Set to time lapse photos.

Perseid Meteor Shower

I did notice that these photos facing SW showed more pink and green lights

Whereas this photo below, I was facing north and the lights were greener and more vibrant. I have a lot of trees lining my driveway, so I had to walk down the driveway, which is very dark and kind of spooky because there are a lot of wolves, bears, fox, and coyotes, oh my, 🙂

So, I walked down the driveway, took 2 photos quick and hurried back to the cabin. But, not one photo with a shooting star. Maybe next time.

Perseid Meteor Shower

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

She is Sneaky

She is Sneaky

She is Sneaky this little fawn, she is just starting to come out of the woods with mom in this first photo, the minute I come out with the camera she high tails it back to the woods.

She is Sneaky

Everyday she is getting more brave to not run when she sees me, she is curious and mom keeps a close eye on her.

She is Sneaky

Have a great weekend.

She is Sneaky

She is Sneaky

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

The Infinity Mirror

The Infinity Mirror

The Infinity Mirror – as the tour guide took us upstairs and by the way, the railing on this staircase is so short. Because people were shorter back then. It was only about 3 ft tall, my husband is 6’3″ and the railing came up just above his knee. The tour guide told us that because a lot of people trip on the stairs being the railing is misleading for support.

The Infinity Mirror

A beautiful hallway that holds a remake of the infinity mirror.

The Infinity Mirror

Which is 2 mirrors right across from each other so it goes on forever.

The Infinity Mirror
The Infinity Mirror

So this is it for this tour, if you are ever crossing the border by Paducah Kentucky, make sure to stop at this welcome center. They still have lots of pretty flowers growing all around the home as well. Wonderful place to take a break on your journey.

The Infinity Mirror

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Some People Returned Items

Some People Returned Items

Some People Returned Items – some of the stolen items were returned when they found out they were restoring this home. A lot of it was also just donated that was not original to the home. But it fit the time period and looks amazing in there now.

Some People Returned Items
Some People Returned Items

There are constant repairs that need to be done, like cracks in the walls and ceilings. But overall they did an amazing job restoring this old place.

Some People Returned Items

Some People Returned Items

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Vandalism of This Historic Home

Vandalism of This Historic Home

Vandalism of This Historic Home – we learned the history of this home by going on the free tour they give. The tour guide was so informative, she really new everything about this place.

So, it was owned by a couple different people, the second owners did a lot of landscaping and made flower gardens around the 52 acre home. Lots of gatden parties back in the day.

These folks left the home in 1968, as the new interstate was being built right in front of this home and they figured it was going to get torn down. But it never did get torn down as they built the interstate and subsequently, people started vandalizing the home, taking items like the chandelier below. They took all the original stained glass windows or just broke them.

You can see by the photos below what it looked like at one point. Quite a few people were actually sleeping in the house and building fires in their to cook food and keep warm, using the original wood around the house.

Vandalism of This Historic Home

Along with the destruction from rain and snow coming in through the windows and roof. It seems like this place should have been torn down.

But the transportation cabinet along with Governor John Brown, they decided to restore it. They needed a welcome center on the new interstate and instead of building a new one, they restored this mansion.

Vandalism of This Historic Home

They also moved in all of the Vice Presidents office things to this building as it needed a place to go from where it was at previously. So you can see his desk and items he used when he was in office.

Vandalism of This Historic Home

Vandalism of This Historic Home

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Kentucky Rest Area

Kentucky Rest Area

Kentucky Rest Area – This week I am going to show you a place that I have wanted to stop at for years and we finally did a few months ago. We drove by it so many times, it is a rest area in Kentucky, probably one of the best rest areas I have ever stopped at.

This unique historical rest area/welcome center is, Whitehaven. It is a Victorian home built in the 1860’s and has quite the story as to how it became a rest area.

Kentucky Rest Area

This home is steeped in KY history from former Vice President Alben Barkley to many influential figures in the formation of Kentucky’s history.

This mansion was once destined to be destroyed, but was saved by the KY Transportation Cabinet.

Kentucky Rest Area

Kentucky Rest Area

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

The Sly Fox

The Sly Fox

The Sly Fox – I photographed this beautiful animal on the gulf coast. I don’t see fox very often, they are around where I live, but never see them during the day. I did catch one on my trail camera last week passing by.

Beautiful animals, have a wonderful weekend.

The Sly Fox
The Sly Fox

This is AI’s version of my fox photo painted. I kind of like it. In any of my digital work, I always list it as digital. I am a photographer before being a digital artist. But I always use photos I take to get this look with the help of technology.

The Sly Fox

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850