Vibrant and Subtle Colors Today

Vibrant and Subtle Colors Today

Vibrant and Subtle Colors Today, a wonderful mixture of colors on this beautiful October morning. From vibrant reds of this flower in the park.

Vibrant and Subtle Colors Today

To soft changes of the coloring of the leaves lining the banks of the river.

Vibrant and Subtle Colors Today

To Mr. Duck finally getting his feathers back in order after molting, they looked pretty shabby the last couple weeks as they waited for their new feathers to grow.

And last but never least, the red, orange and yellow leaves of Autumn

Vibrant and Subtle Colors Today

by Sandra J

49 Replies to “Vibrant and Subtle Colors Today”

  1. The Mallard is as vibrant as the landscape and one again, with molting passed, is happy to gaze at its reflection in the water once again.

    1. Well, if I have to name him, he might not like it, being my cats name is Kit Cat, my dog’s name is D-O-G, You have to spell it to say her name. Say each letter is her name. 🙂 and the Heron that visit the pond names is Daron. 🙂

  2. Gorgeous photos! Glad to hear Mr Duck is in tip top shape again for the ladies, lol. Really love the color changes. Going hiking in a week and will hopefully come back with some nice photos 🙂

    1. You also Francine, yes, there are a few more trees to turn yet here. It is getting colder, might be seeing the first snow soon.

    1. Thank you very much Marland, I write the first thing that pops into my head when I look at a photo. That does not always work though, 😊

  3. Such beautiful photography! My favorite has to be the red, orange, and yellow leaves of autumn. And Mr. Duck has the most gorgeous emerald green color on his head! Lovely pictures as always 😍✨

    1. Thank you Ashok, October is just so full of amazing colors. Male ducks have the most beautiful feathers. Have a wonderful Wednesday. 🙂

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